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With the kernel configured and compiled and the necessary system configuration files filled in correctly, it is time to install a program that will fire up the kernel when the system boots. Such a program is called a boot loader.

Currently using Petitboot on Talos systems is undocumented in Gentoo. Please add the steps to TalosII#Bootloader and notify on this Discussion page when ready to merge into the Handbook.

Using GRUB

GRUB is a bootloader for PPC64 powered Linux machines.


root #emerge --ask sys-boot/grub

Mac hardware (G5)

Setup bootstrap partition

First, prepare the bootstrap partition that was created created during the preparing the disk step. Following the example, this partition should be /dev/sda2. Optionally, confirm this by using parted:

Replace /dev/sda with the correct device if required.

root #parted /dev/sda print

In this output, partition 2 has the bootstrap information so /dev/sda2 is the correct path to use.

Format this partition as HFS using the hformat command which is part of the sys-fs/hfsutils package:

root #dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda2 bs=512
root #hformat -l bootstrap /dev/sda2

Create a directory to mount the bootstrap partition and then mount it:

root #mkdir /boot/NWBB
root #mount --types hfs /dev/sda2 /boot/NWBB

Setup GRUB

root #grub-install --macppc-directory=/boot/NWBB /dev/sda2

If it installs without errors, unmount the bootstrap:

root #umount /boot/NWBB

Next, bless the partition so it will boot:

root #hmount /dev/sda2
root #hattrib -t tbxi -c UNIX :System:Library:CoreServices:BootX
root #hattrib -b :System:Library:CoreServices
root #humount

Finally, build the grub.cfg file:

root #grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg

IBM hardware

Setting up Grub on IBM hardware is as simple as:

Setup GRUB

root #grub-install /dev/sda1
/dev/sda1 is the PReP boot partition made in the partitioning stage

Grub config

Finally. build the grub.cfg file:

root #grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg