Foundation:Gentoo Foundation Finances FY2004

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Financial statements of Gentoo Foundation Inc., FY2004

Period 2003/4
Period-Start 2003/07/01
Period-Ending 2004/06/30
Prepared-by robbat2
As-of 2023/08/26 (rev 3b7e9a834280dc7d0cdd98750cf4d2638d92541f)

Disclaimers: Year-specific

Disclaimers: Common

  • The following statements have NOT been reviewed by a CPA
  • The following statements represent a work-in-progress, with some known concerns:
    • Data capture:
      • In-Kind Donations has minimally started.
      • Donor Restrictions has NOT been started, but is expected to have minimal impact (see further remarks).
    • Incomplete historical capture due to lack of records
    • Depreciation: See seperate Concerns section under Further Remarks

Statement of Financial Position


  • See: [AC-NPO-2]

Statement of Activities


  • See: [AC-NPO-2]

TODO: Statement of Functional Expenses

  • See: [AC-NPO-4]
  • TODO: reformat to columar style with TOTALS

Program: NONE

TODO: Statement of Cash Flows

  • Operating Activities
  • Investing Activities
  • Financing Activities

Capital Assets

Statement of Position

  • This represents all Assets still in use.
  • Assets (classes) that are present in this Statement of Position, but NOT in the Statement Of Financial Position are fully depreciated, and have a book value of $0.

Change of Position

Verification of closed accounts for EOY

  • This section covers any accounts that aren't closed, correctness review (e.g. missing entry in closing transactions)

Unclosed Expenses

Unclosed Income

TODO: Notes to the Financial Statements

  • (TODO FASB 2016-14 requirements)

Further Remarks


  • FASB 1993-06 / SFAS 116: "Accounting for Contributions Received and Contributions Made"
  • FASB 2018-08: "Clarifying the Scope and the Accounting Guidance for Contributions Received and Contributions Made"
  • FASB ASC 958-605: "Not-for-Profit Entities - Revenue Recognition"
    • This covers how contributions received must be accounted.
    • The Gentoo Infrastructure team recieves contributions in multiple non-cash forms:
      • Contribution of Assets
        • e.g. Hardware donated outright to the Foundation, and held by the Foundation.
      • Contribution of Utilities, covered by SFAS-116, example 9, paragraph 190 & 191
        • e.g. Server rackspace (including electricity & network connectivity)
      • Contribution of Use of Property, covered by SFAS-116, example 10, paragraph 192 & 193.
        • e.g. Use of dedicated servers


  • See and [IRS-946] for more info.
  • All relevant accounts are tagged with MACRS, and matching asset codes.
    • Capital value: Assets:Capital:{asset-code}
    • Depreciation Contra-asset: Assets:Accumulated-Depreciation:{asset-code}.
    • Inventory tracking: Virtual:Assets:Capital:{asset-code}
  • All assets use the mid-quarter convention to avoid splitting the calculation between property that may use half-year convention vs property that must use the mid-quarter convention.
  • The purchasing year & quarter is derived from the purchase date in the account name.
  • Some assets are retained long past their depreciation period, as they are still functioning fine.
  • Risks & Outstanding Issues:
    • There are no Section 179 elections in place for additional depreciation. This differs from the formal IRS filing, where the depreciation is chosen by the accountant for optimal tax handlng.
    • It is possible that some assets are in the wrong IRS asset class, per [IRS-946] Appendix B where the manner in which property is used can change it's lifecycle.
    • The exact location of non-US assets may impact the depreciation system. This is NOT considered at this time, as minimal assets are outside of the US.
  • Example:
    • Assets:Capital:Computers:Infra:Purchased_GDS5_201411:
      • What is it? Computers:Infra tells us it is a computer or parts thereof used by Infra. (Computers:Dev would be used by a Developer)
      • What is the MACRS system & property class life: GDS5 GDS, with a 5-year class life.
      • When was it purchased? 201411
      • What is the depreciation value for this asset? See the Assets:Accumulated-Depreciation:Computers:Infra:Purchased_GDS5_201411 account
      • Is the asset still in use, or has it been disposed of? See the Virtual:Assets:Capital:Computers:Infra:Purchased_GDS5_201411 account, for quantity greater than zero.

Asset Classes in use

Account                        IRS-Asset-Class     GDS-Class-Life
Assets:Capital:Computers:*     00.12               5
Assets:Capital:Banners:*       00.11               7

FASB 2016-14

  • FASB 2016-14 MUST be applied for all fiscal years starting after 2017/12/15, but the standard permits earlier application.
    • The treasurer has elected to apply the changes to ALL financial statements, as none of them have been formally audited at this time.
  • Donor Restrictions
    • The earlier boards did NOT include any formal means for donors to restrict cash donations.
    • Some in-kind donations MAY have usage restrictions (e.g. bandwidth limitations, disclosure limitations), but are not expected to impact the financial statements at this time. This has not yet been confirmed with a CPA that specializes in NPO accounting.
  • FASB 2016-14 changed the classes of Net Assets:
    • Before:
      • Permanantly restricted Net Assets
      • Temporarily restricted Net Assets
      • Unrestricted Net Assets
    • After:
      • Net Assets with Donor Restrictions
      • Net Assets without Donor Restrictions
