Diffutils is a package that contains several utilities for identifying the differences in two different files.
USE flags
USE flags for sys-apps/diffutils Tools to make diffs and compare files
Add Native Language Support (using gettext - GNU locale utilities) |
Verify upstream signatures on distfiles |
root #
emerge --ask sys-apps/diffutils
The two files used in the examples are:
Hello, World!
Second Line
Gentoo Linux
Another Line
Goodbye, World!
Second Line
Gentoo Linux
Different Line
cmp is used to compare two files byte by byte and reports the first byte difference.
Comparing two files
Finding where the first byte difference is similar to using diff:
user $
cmp one two
one two differ: byte 1, line 1
To print the bytes that differ, use -b
user $
cmp one two
one two differ: byte 1, line 1 is 110 H 107 G
diff compares two files line by line
Basic comparisons
The most basic way to check the differences in two files is by using diff.
user $
diff one two
1c1 < Hello, World! --- > Goodbye, World! 4c4 < Another Line --- > Different Line
What this says is the file on the left (one) has "Hello, World!" while the file on the right (two) has "Goodbye, World".
To show the differences in column format to compare side-by-side, use the -y
user $
diff -y one two
Hello, World! | Goodbye, World! Second Line Second Line Gentoo Linux Gentoo Linux Another Line | Different Line
diff3 compares three different files line-by-line. This will use the file output from the sdiff section in its examples.
Comparing three different files
Comparing files with this is similar to using diff:
user $
diff3 one two output
====2 1:1c 3:1c Hello, World! 2:1c Goodbye, World! ====1 1:4c Another Line 2:4c 3:4c Different Line
sdiff is similar to using diff's -y
argument to display columns
Displaying the difference
user $
sdiff one two
Hello, World! | Goodbye, World! Second Line Second Line Gentoo Linux Gentoo Linux Another Line | Different Line
Merging the differences
To go line-by-line and pick the differences to include in an output file, use the -o
user $
sdiff one two -o output
This should now be in the output file:
Hello, World!
Second Line
Gentoo Linux
Different Line