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Daemontools-encore is a backwards compatible, enhanced version of Daniel J. Bernstein's daemontools package, written by Bruce Guenter. A summary of the features that have been added to daemontools-encore is available here. The last release of daemontools-encore was in 2014 (as of 2021-11).


USE flags

USE flags for sys-process/daemontools-encore Collection of tools for managing UNIX services

selinux !!internal use only!! Security Enhanced Linux support, this must be set by the selinux profile or breakage will occur
static !!do not set this during bootstrap!! Causes binaries to be statically linked instead of dynamically


root #emerge --ask sys-process/daemontools-encore
Daemontools-encore is currently on the testing branch. Users with systems on the stable branch will need to add the package to /etc/portage/package.accept_keywords (if using Portage) to be able to install it. While it is generally not advised to mix packages of stable and testing branches, this package only depends on the libc, so in this case it should be safe


Environment variables

  • SUPERVISEDIR - Name of the directory used by supervise for its control files. If it is an absolute pathname, it will be suffixed by all programs that use it with the path to the corresponding service directory, with all slashes ('/') replaced with colons (':'). Otherwise, it is taken relative to the corresponding service directory. For example, if SUPERVISEDIR is set to /run/supervise, a supervise process running for service directory /service/foo will place its control files in directory /run/supervise/service:foo.
  • SOFTLIMIT_ALLBYTES - Alternative to softlimit's -a option for specifying the corresponding soft limit.
  • SOFTLIMIT_COREBYTES - Alternative to softlimit's -c option for specifying the corresponding soft limit.
  • SOFTLIMIT_DATABYTES - Alternative to softlimit's -d option for specifying the corresponding soft limit.
  • SOFTLIMIT_FILEBYTES - Alternative to softlimit's -f option for specifying the corresponding soft limit.
  • SOFTLIMIT_LOCKEDBYTES - Alternative to softlimit's -l option for specifying the corresponding soft limit.
  • SOFTLIMIT_MEMBYTES - Alternative to softlimit's -m option for specifying the corresponding soft limits.
  • SOFTLIMIT_OPENFILES - Alternative to softlimit's -o option for specifying the corresponding soft limit.
  • SOFTLIMIT_PROCS - Alternative to softlimit's -p option for specifying the corresponding soft limit.
  • SOFTLIMIT_RSSBYTES - Alternative to softlimit's -r option for specifying the corresponding soft limit.
  • SOFTLIMIT_STACKBYTES - Alternative to softlimit's -s option for specifying the corresponding soft limit.
  • SOFTLIMIT_CPUSECS - Alternative to softlimit's -t option for specifying the corresponding soft limit.




See here


Bernstein daemontools and daemontools-encore implement process supervision: programs that run as long-lived processes, such as a server program, can be supervised by being run as a child process of a supervisor. The supervisor can detect if the process, also called the service or the daemon in this context, has unexpectedly terminated, e.g. because it exited with an error status or was killed by a signal, and automatically restart it. The supervisor also provides a reliable interface for controlling both the supervised process and itself, to send signals to the process, and to query status information about it.

All this is based on standard POSIX features: a process reliably knows its child's process ID (PID), because it is the return value of the fork() call that creates it, knows when its child terminates, because it is notified with a SIGCHLD signal, and can obtain exit status information when it happens using the wait() or waitpid() calls.

For more information information about process supervision see [1] [2] [3].

Service directories

The program that implements the supervisor features in Bernstein daemontools and daemontools-encore is supervise. Supervision for a single process is configured using a service directory (or servicedir). A servicedir is an ordinary directory containing at least one executable file named run. It can also contain an optional, regular file named down. The (absolute or relative to the working directory) pathname of this directory is then passed as an argument to supervise. This however is not supposed to be done directly by the user, but to happen indirectly as a consequence of running svscan.

When supervise is invoked, it changes its working directory to the specifed servicedir, and executes the contained run file as a child process, unless there is also a down file, or, for daemontools-encore only, a start file (see the start, stop and notify files, and the daemontools-encore extended service state). Daemontools-encore's supervise also makes the child process the leader of a new session using the POSIX setsid() call, unless the servicedir contains a regular file named no-setsid. In that case, the child process will run in supervise's session instead. Making the child process a session leader with Bernstein daemontools requires using the pgrphack program inside run (see supervised process execution state changes). If supervise is invoked with a servicedir that contains a down file, the run file won't be executed, but the service can be started later with the svc program (see controlling supervised processes). The contents of the down and no-setsid files are ignored, so they are usually empty.

run can have any file format that the kernel knows how to execute, but is usually a shell script that performs some sort of initialization, and then calls the real program intended to be supervised, using the shell's exec builtin utility. This allows the program to run without creating a new process, so it will have the same PID as the run script, and from there on become the supervised process. supervise waits for 1 second between two child process spawns, so that it does not loop too quickly if the process exits immediately. The daemontools-encore version of supervise also has special behaviour when it receives a signal: if it receives a SIGTERM signal, it behaves as if an svc -dx command naming the corresponding servicedir had been used (see controlling supervised processes), if it receives a SIGTSTP signal, it sends a SIGSTOP signal to the supervised process, as if an svc -p command naming the corresponding servicedir had been used, and if it receives a SIGCONT signal, it sends a SIGCONT signal to the supervised process, as if an svc -c command naming the corresponding servicedir had been used.

Programs that fail to adhere to certain design criteria, including those that use fork() in order to "put the daemon into the background" [4], might not be able to be supervised. Sometimes programs can meet those criteria if passed certain options (e.g. a 'run in the foreground' option) on invocation.

An example of a minimal (and simplistic) service directory for a hypothetical test-daemon program:

user $ls -l
total 4
-rwxr-xr-x 1 user user 27 May  5 12:00 run
FILE run
exec test-daemon

The supervise program keeps control files in a subdirectory of the servicedir, also named supervise. If this subdirectory doesn't exist when supervise is invoked, it will be created, as well as any of its missing files. If the servicedir contains a supervise symbolic link to directory instead of a subdirectory, supervise will follow it and use the linked-to directory for its control files. Daemontools-encore also allows setting the name of this control directory via the SUPERVISEDIR environment variable, see environment variables.

The service directory can be in a read-only filesystem, but files contained in the supervise directory must writable by the effective user of the corresponding supervise process. For Bernstein daemontools, and for daemontools-encore when some of the control files are missing, the directory itself must also be writable. So in this case a symbolic link to an existing directory in a read-write filesystem must be used.

Service directories can also optionally contain a subdirectory or symbolic link to directory named log, which can be used for setting up a dedicated logger (see logging).

For further details about the supervise program and service directories, please consult the supervise man page.

Service directory with a supervise subdirectory:

user $ls -l
total 8
-rwxr-xr-x 1 user user   27 May  5 12:00 run
drwx------ 2 user user 4096 May  5 12:00 supervise

supervise subdirectory contents:

user $ls -l supervise
total 4
prw------- 1 user user  0 May  5 12:00 control
-rw------- 1 user user  0 May  5 12:00 lock
prw------- 1 user user  0 May  5 12:00 ok
-rw-r--r-- 1 user user 18 May  5 12:00 status

The scan directory and supervision tree

Bernstein daemontools and daemontools-encore allow supervising a set of processes running in parallel using the svscan program and a scan directory (or scandir). A scan directory is a directory that contains service directories and/or symbolic links to services directories. Invoking svscan with the (absolute or relative to the working directory) path of the scandir as its first argument (and only argument for Bernstein daemontools' svscan) launches one child supervise process for each contained service directory with a name that does not start with a dot ('.'). If svscan is called with no arguments, it assumes the working directory is the scandir, otherwise it changes its working directory to the specified scandir.

Every 5 seconds, svscan rereads the scan directory (i. e. performs a scan), launching supervise processes for each new servicedir it finds, or old servicedir for which it finds its supervise process has exited. svscan acts as a supervisor for every supervise child, just like supervise does for its child process. This arrangement of processes is called the supervision tree. The root of the supervision tree is svscan, so it is designed to be robust and to cope with supervise processes exiting unexpectedly, being killed, or being unable to start. The leaves of the supervision tree are the processes that correspond to the service directories in the scandir.

Example scan directory containing three service directories:

user $ls -l
total 12
drwxr-xr-x 3 user user 4096 May  5 12:00 test-service1
drwxr-xr-x 3 user user 4096 May  5 12:00 test-service2
drwxr-xr-x 3 user user 4096 May  5 12:00 test-service3
FILE test-service1/run
exec test-daemon1
FILE test-service2/run
exec test-daemon2
FILE test-service3/run
exec test-daemon3

Resulting supervision tree when svscan is run on this scandir as a background process in an interactive shell, assuming it is the working directory (i.e. launched with svscan &):

user $ps xf -o pid,ppid,pgrp,euser,args
 1777  1764  1777 user -bash
 2047  1777  2047 user  \_ svscan
 2048  2047  2047 user      \_ supervise test-service3
 2053  2048  2047 user      |   \_ test-daemon3
 2049  2047  2047 user      \_ supervise test-service1
 2052  2049  2047 user      |   \_ test-daemon1
 2050  2047  2047 user      \_ supervise test-service2
 2051  2050  2047 user          \_ test-daemon2
Since processes in a supervision tree are created using the POSIX fork() call, all of them will inherit svscan's enviroment, which, in the context of this example, is the user's login shell environment. If svscan is launched in some other way (see later), the environment will likely be completely different. This must be taken into account when trying to debug a supervision tree with an interactive shell.

The start, stop and notify files, and the daemontools-encore extended service state

Daemontools-encore service directories can contain executable files named start, stop and notify. The run file is optional for daemontools-encore, but either start or run must exist in the servicedir. If there is a start file and it is executable, it will be executed as a child process instead of run when supervise is invoked, and also when an svc -u or svc -o command is used to manually start the service (see controlling supervised processes). If the start process exits with a an exit code of 0, supervise will then execute the run file just like Bernstein daemontools' supervise. start can be used to perform some kind of first time-only initialization for the program intended to be supervised.

If the supervised process exits with an exit code of 100, or if the start process is killed by a signal or exits with a nonzero exit code, supervise enters the failed extended state (see later) and does not restart the service. If the service is manually stopped with an svc -d command or, after an svc -o command is used, the supervised or start process terminated and the conditions for entering the failed state are not met, supervise enters the stopped extended state. In stopped state, if there is a stop file in the servicedir and it is executable, supervise will execute it as a child process. stop can be used to perform some kind of last time-only cleanup for the program intended to be supervised, or for the start process. If the stop process exits with an exit code of 100, supervise will also enter the failed state, otherwise it will remain in stopped state.

If there is a notify file, supervise will execute it as a child process each time a start, run or stop process is spawned or terminates for whatever reason, so it can be used to perfom some action after one or more of those events. supervise invokes notify with four arguments: the first one is either start, run or stop, indicating which process caused notify to be invoked (or log in certain cases), the second one is either start, exit or killed, indicating that the corresponding process was spawned, exited or was killed by a signal, respectively, the third one is the process ID of the corresponding process, and the fourth one is the exit code or signal number, as determined by POSIX waitpid(), or 0 if the second argument is start. So, for example, notify could be used to perfom cleanup actions each time the supervised process terminates, possibly depending on its exit status information, by checking that its first argument is run and its second argument is other than start, behaving like a runit or s6 finish file.

The effect of the no-setsid file applies to all start, stop, run and notify processes.

Because Bernstein daemontools' supervise only executes a run file, the corresponding service can only be in two states: up if supervise has a child process, or down if it doesn't. Daemontools-encore's supervise, on the other hand, can have at any given time either a start, run, stop or notify child process, so for compatibility with Bernstein daemontools, when the service state is queried with the svstat program (see controlling supervised processes), an up or down state will still be displayed, but also an additional extended state: starting, started, running, stopping, stopped or failed.

  • Extended state starting will be displayed after supervise launches a start process.
  • Extended state started will be displayed after the start process exits successfully, if there is no run file. In started state, supervise does nothing but wait for commands sent with the svc program.
  • Extended state running will be displayed after supervise launches a run process.
  • Extended state stopping will be displayed after supervise sends its child process a SIGTERM signal followed by a SIGCONT signal to make it stop, until the process dies.
  • Otherwise, either extended state stopped or extended state failed will be displayed. In failed state, or in stopped state after the stop process has exited, supervise does nothing but wait for commands sent with the svc program.

Whether a notify process is currently running or not does not modify the service state, it will be whatever it was immediatly before notify was executed.

Service directories using down, start, stop and notify files:

user $ls -l
total 8
drwxr-xr-x 3 user user 4096 May  6 12:00 test-service1
drwxr-xr-x 3 user user 4096 May  6 12:00 test-service2
user $ls -l *
total 4
-rw-r--r-- 1 user user  0 May  6 12:00 down
-rwxr-xr-x 1 user user 28 May  6 12:00 run

total 16
-rwxr-xr-x 1 user user 163 May  6 12:00 notify
-rwxr-xr-x 1 user user  24 May  6 12:00 run
-rwxr-xr-x 1 user user  24 May  6 12:00 start
-rwxr-xr-x 1 user user  24 May  6 12:00 stop
FILE test-service1/run
exec test-daemon1
FILE test-service2/run
exec sleep 20
FILE test-service2/start
exec sleep 10
FILE test-service2/stop
exec sleep 10
FILE test-service2/notify
case $2 in
start) echo "'$1' started (PID $3)";;
exit) echo "'$1' (PID $3) exited with $4";;
killed) echo "'$1' (PID $3) was killed by signal $4";;

Resulting supervision tree:

user $ps xf -o pid,ppid,pgrp,euser,args
 1777  1764  1777 user -bash
 2114  1777  2114 user  \_ svscan
 2115  2114  2114 user      \_ supervise test-service1
 2116  2114  2114 user      \_ supervise test-service2
 2146  2116  2146 user          \_ sleep 20

Note that since test-service1 has a down file, the corresponding supervise process has no children.

Messages printed to svscan's standard output (stdout) by the notify script:

user $svscan scan &
'start' started (PID 2253)
'start' (PID 2253) exited with 0
'run' started (PID 2258)
'run' (PID 2258) exited with 0
'run' started (PID 2287)

Sending a SIGTERM signal to the run process (PID 2287):

user $kill 2287
'run' (PID 2287) was killed by signal 15
'run' started (PID 2295)

Manually stopping service test-service2:

user $svc -d scan/test-service2
'run' (PID 2295) was killed by signal 15
'stop' started (PID 2300)
'stop' (PID 2300) exited with 0


The multilog program

If a servicedir S in the scan directory contains a subdirectory or symbolic link to directory named log, svscan will launch two supervise processes in parallel, one executing S/run as a child process, and the other executing S/log/run with its standard input (stdin) connected to S/run's standard output (stdout) by a pipe. If any of the two processes or their supervise parents terminates and is restarted, the same pipe is reused so that no data is lost. This allows per-service logging by having S/log/run execute a logger program. Bernstein daemontools and daemontools-encore provide such a logger: the multilog program. This type of logging works for programs that send messages to their standard error (stderr).

Daemontools-encore's supervise allows log to be an executable file instead of subdirectory or symlink to directory. In this case, the same supervise process will supervise both the 'main' service and the logger, and maintain the pipe between then. This is similar to having a subdirectory with a run file equivalent to the log file, and no start or stop files. The notify file of the 'main' service will be invoked with log as its first argument when the log process starts, exits or gets killed by a signal. The down and no-setsid files of the 'main' service also apply to the log process in this case.

multilog is invoked as multilog arg1 arg2 arg3 ..., and expects to read a sequence of newline-terminated lines of text from its standard input. The arguments arg1, arg2, arg3, ... make up a logging script that tells multilog what to do. Each argument specifies an action, actions are carried out sequentially in argument order.

The simplest form of multilog invocation is multilog dir, where dir starts with a dot ('.') or a slash ('/'): it is interpreted as a pathname specifying an automatically rotated logging directory (or logdir). The logdir contains control files used by multilog, a current log file named current, and may also contain a set of old log files. The current log file contains a selection of the lines read by multilog, possibly modified by other actions specified in the logging script, and old log files are produced by rotations: when current approaches a certain maximum size, its contents are copied to a another file, after some optional processing, and current is emptied. Old log file have names beginning with '@', continuing with a timestamp in external TAI64N format showing when the file was finished, and ending with either .s or .u. The .s files are files that have been completely processed and safely written, i.e. files produced by a complete rotation. The .u files, if any, are files created by an incomplete rotation, they are not completely processed and may be truncated. Rotations respect line boundaries, i.e. old log files will always contain whole lines. Also, to avoid indefinite accumulation of old log files, if, after completing a rotation, their number exceeds a certain value, multilog deletes the oldest log file (the file with the smallest TAI64N timestamp). The default maximum size of a current file is 99999 bytes, and the default maximum number of old log files is 10. A rotation can be forced by sending multilog a SIGALRM signal. If it is running as a supervised process, the svc program can be used to do that (see controlling supervised processes).

Some other actions recognized by multilog in a logging script are:

  • + (plus sign) and - (minus sign) followed by a pattern: By default, multilog logs all the lines read from its standard input without modifications; these actions allow selection and deselection of lines, respectively, based on the specified pattern. Because all lines are initially selected, + actions are only effective after a - action that deselects some lines first. The pattern uses the shell's notation for matching strings, and must match whole lines (i.e. partial matching doesn't count), with the following restrictions:
    • Berstein daemontools' multilog only treats asterisks ('*') as special characters in the pattern: they match any string, including the null string, that does not include the next character in pattern instead of the POSIX behaviour of matching the greatest possible number of characters that still allows the remainder of the pattern to match the line, and cannot be escaped with a backslash ('\').
    • Daemontools-encore's multilog can switch between Bernstein daemontools behaviour and using the full range of patterns allowed by POSIX fnmatch(), including backslash escaping. The latter is more flexible at the expense of being less efficient. At the start of logging script action processing, Bernstein daemontools match mode is selected.
      • An F action selects fnmatch() match mode for all subsequent + and - actions until the next mode-changing action in the logging script.
      • An S action selects Bernstein daemontools match mode for all subsequent + and - actions until the next mode-changing action in the logging script.
  • t: prepends each logged line with '@', followed by a timestamp in external TAI64N format (printed as 24 lowercase hexadecimal characters), and a space. It must be specified as the first action, and any subsequent + and - actions match against lines with the prepended timesptamp. Daemontools-encore also supports a T action, which must also be the first one, that prepends an accustamp-style timestamp and a space instead (accustamp was a program shipped with Bernstein daemontools that was eventually dropped).
  • s followed by an integer: sets the maximum size of the current file to the specified value (in bytes), for all subsequent actions in the logging script that specify a logdir, until the next s action.
  • n followed by an integer: sets the maximum number of old log files to the specified value, for all subsequent actions in the logging script that specify a logdir, until the next n action.
  • ! (exclamation mark) followed by a string args: sets a processor for all subsequent actions in the logging script that specify a logdir, until the next ! action. A processor allows performing some processing of the contents of current log files during a rotation; multilog performs the equivalent of an sh -c 'args' command for every logdir, and feeds the resulting processes the contents of their corresponding current file on its standard input, so args should specify a program and its arguments, if any. The .s or .u file produced as a result will contain that program's output. For example, a multilog '!processor-script arg1 arg2' ./dirname command makes multilog launch a processor with the equivalent of a sh -c 'processor-script arg1 arg2' command during a rotation on logdir dirname in multilog's working directory. If an executable file named processor-script is found via PATH search, this will invoke it with arguments arg1 arg2 and feed it the contents of dirname/current on its standard input.

For details about all actions supported multilog, and about the protocol used for communication between multilog and the processor specified in an ! action, please consult the multilog man page.

FILE inputSample input for the multilog program
info: Message 1
warning: Message 2
error: Message 3
error: Message 4
warning: Message 5
info: Message 6
user $cat input | multilog '-*' '+warning: *' ./log1 '+error: *' ./log2
user $ls -l
drwx------ 2 user user 4096 May  6 12:00 log1
drwx------ 2 user user 4096 May  6 12:00 log2
user $ls -l log*
total 4
-rwxr--r-- 1 user user 38 May  6 12:00 current
-rw------- 1 user user  0 May  6 12:00 lock
-rw-r--r-- 1 user user  0 May  6 12:00 state

total 4
-rwxr--r-- 1 user user 72 May  6 12:00 current
-rw------- 1 user user  0 May  6 12:00 lock
-rw-r--r-- 1 user user  0 May  6 12:00 state

When there's no multilog process running on a logdir, the current file has the executable by user flag set.

FILE log1/current
warning: Message 2
warning: Message 5
FILE log2/current
warning: Message 2
error: Message 3
error: Message 4
warning: Message 5

Note that the log2/current file also contains the warning messages. This shows that actions that aren't + or - do not affect the currently selected lines, so warning messages selected by action '+warning: *' stay selected after processing action './log1'. To only have the error messages in log2/current, a '-*' action should have immediatly preceded the '+error: *' action.

Service directory test-service containing a logger:

user $ls -l
total 8
drwxr-xr-x 2 user user 4096 May  6 12:00 log
-rwxr-xr-x 1 user user  110 May  6 12:00 run
user $ls -l log
total 4
-rwxr-xr-x 1 user user 40 May  6 12:00 run
FILE /home/user/test-daemonPython script generating messages on its stderr
from time import sleep
from sys import stderr
for i in range(1,30):
   print("Message", i, file=stderr, flush=True)
FILE test-service/run
exec /home/user/test-daemon 2>&1
FILE test-service/log/run
exec multilog t ../../../logs

Note that since supervise makes the service directory its working directory, the relative pathname in multilog's invocation results in the logging directory being placed wherever the scan directory is.

Resulting supervision tree:

user $ps xf -o pid,ppid,pgrp,euser,args
 1777  1764  1777 user -bash
 2702  1777  2702 user  \_ svscan
 2703  2702  2702 user      \_ supervise test-service
 2706  2703  2702 user      |   \_ /usr/lib/python-exec/python3.6/python3 /home/user/test-daemon
 2704  2702  2702 user      \_ supervise log
 2705  2704  2702 user          \_ multilog t ../../../logs

Contents of the logs logging directory:

user $ls -l ../logs
total 20
-rwxr--r-- 1 user user  361 May  6 17:20 @40000000590e2ffe0bf16944.s
-rwxr--r-- 1 user user 2202 May  6 17:22 @40000000590e30941e642c9c.s
-rw-r--r-- 1 user user 1101 May  6 17:23 current
-rw------- 1 user user    0 May  6 17:19 lock
-rw-r--r-- 1 user user    0 May  6 17:19 state

This logdir contains two old log files and, since multilog is running, the current file has its executable by user flag cleared.

user $cat ../logs/current
@40000000590e30983973bda4 Message 1
@40000000590e309a39b02a64 Message 2
@40000000590e309c3a353ccc Message 3
@40000000590e309e3a93b84c Message 4
@40000000590e30a03aec8a94 Message 5
@40000000590e30a23b3bbc04 Message 6
@40000000590e30a5003a28ac Message 7
@40000000590e30a70097255c Message 8
@40000000590e30a900bc221c Message 9
@40000000590e30ab0100ff04 Message 10

The TAI64N timestamps can be shown in human-readable form with tai64nlocal, for further details please consult the respective man page.

user $cat ../logs/current | tai64nlocal
2017-05-06 17:22:38.963886500 Message 1
2017-05-06 17:22:40.967846500 Message 2
2017-05-06 17:22:42.976567500 Message 3
2017-05-06 17:22:44.982759500 Message 4
2017-05-06 17:22:46.988580500 Message 5
2017-05-06 17:22:48.993770500 Message 6
2017-05-06 17:22:51.003811500 Message 7
2017-05-06 17:22:53.009905500 Message 8
2017-05-06 17:22:55.012329500 Message 9
2017-05-06 17:22:57.016842500 Message 10

The readproctitle program

The readproctitle program expects to read a sequence of newline-terminated lines of text from its standard input, and saves them to an automatically rotated log it keeps in memory. The log can be seen in the output of the ps utility. The number of characters displayed is specified by readproctitle's arguments.

readproctitle is invoked as readproctitle arg1 arg2 ... argn dots. The arguments arg1, arg2, ..., argn can be anything, they are shown as-is in the output of ps, and can used for displaying some kind of heading that introduces the log. The last argument, dots, must be at least five dots ('.'), and its length specifies the number of characters the log kept in memory will have. In the output of ps, readproctitle's last shown argument will be the contents of the log up to that time instead of dots. Characters shift to the left as readproctitle reads new lines of text, and older characters are discarded to keep the log of constant size. Therefore, the ps utility will show each time the most recent data. For further details, please consult the readproctitle man page.

FILE doitShell script generating output
echo Print this message!
sleep 10
echo Second message
sleep 10
user $./doit | readproctitle Log header: ........................ &
user $ ps x -o pid,args
 2860 readproctitle Log header: ....Print this message!

After enough seconds have elapsed:

user $ps x -o pid,args
 2860 readproctitle Log header: ...sage! Second message

The best known use of readproctitle is in the svscanboot script included in Bernstein daemontools and daemontools-encore.

The logging chain

A supervision tree where all leaf processes have a logger can be arranged into what the author of s6 calls the logging chain [5], which he considers to be technically superior to the traditional syslog-based centralized approach [6].

Since processes in a supervision tree are created using the POSIX fork() call, each of them will inherit svscan's standard input, output and error. A logging chain arrangement using Bernstein daemontools and daemontools-encore is as follows:

  • Leaf processes should normally have a logger, so their standard output and error connect to their logger's standard input. Therefore, all their messages are collected and stored in dedicated, per-service logs by their logger. Some programs might need to be invoked with special options to make them send messages to their standard error, and redirection of standard error to standard output (i.e. 2>&1 in a shell script) must be performed in the servicedir's run file.
  • Leaf processes with a controlling terminal are an exception: their standard input, output and error connect to the terminal.
  • supervise, the loggers, and leaf processes that exceptionally don't have logger for some reason, inherit their standard input, output and error from svscan, so their messages are sent wherever the ones from svscan are.
  • Leaf processes that still unavoidably report their messages using syslog() have them collected and logged by a (possibly supervised) syslog server.

Specifying a logger for svscan

Daemontools-encore's svscan allows the pathname of a service directory to be passed as a second argument after the scan directory's pathname. If this argument is present, svscan will launch one supervise process for the specified directory, and connect its standard output and error to the corresponding supervised process' standard input by a pipe. This makes it possible to set up a logger for svscan in the same way a logger can be set up for the leaf processes of the supervision tree.

If the service directory of svscan's logger is specified as a relative pathname, it is interpreted as relative to the scan directory

Supervised process execution state changes

Bernstein's daemontools and daemontools-encore provide a set of tools for modifying a supervised process' execution state. These tools employ a technique called chain loading by some people, and Bernstein chaining by others. A program prog1 designed to use chain loading is invoked as prog1 arg11 ... arg1n prog2 arg21 ... arg2n, where prog2 is the name of another program. When prog1 is invoked, it performs some action based on arguments arg11, ..., arg1n, and then executes prog2 without creating a new process, using one of the POSIX exec...() calls. Arguments arg21, ..., arg2n are not interpreted by prog1 and are passed along to prog2.

If prog2 is also designed to use chain loading, some of those arguments might in turn be the name of a third program prog3 and its corresponding arguments, which will be executed after prog2 completes its task. As a consequence, it is possible to build a chain of programs that will run one after the other as a single process, therefore preserving the process ID (PID), which makes the technique suitable for the run script of a service directory. The final one in such a chain of programs would be the real program intended to be supervised.

The tools provided by Bernstein's daemontools and daemontools-encore to change a process' execution state are:

  • envdir: runs another program with environment modified according to files in a specified directory.
  • envuidgid: runs another program with environment variables indicating a specified account's user ID and group ID
  • pgrphack: runs a program in a new session (using POSIX setsid()).
  • setlock: runs another program with a file locked (using Linux flock() on Gentoo).
  • setuidgid: runs another program under a specified account's user ID and group ID. Requires root privileges.
  • softlimit: runs another program with new soft resource limits (using POSIX setrlimit()). These limits are set via options specified as softlimit's arguments. Daemontools-encore also allows setting those limits via SOFTLIMIT_* environment variables, applied at softlimit invocation; see environment variables.

For further details on these tools please consult their respective man page.

The directory supplied to the envdir program is called an environment directory (or envdir). Each file in the envdir controls a single environment variable. If the file is empty, and a variable with the same name as the file exists in the process' environment, it is removed from it. If the file is nonempty, the contents of its first line become the value of a new environment variable with the same name as the file. If the variable existed before envdir's invocation, it is first removed from the environment, and then readded with the new value. Enviroment variables not referred to by a file in the envdir remain unchanged.

FILE runExample run script with process state change
exec \
softlimit -o 5 \
setuidgid daemon \
test-daemon 2>&1

This script executes program test-daemon with effective user daemon and the maximum number of open file descriptors set to 5. This is the same as if test-daemon performed a setrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE, &rl) call itself with rl.rlim_cur set to 5, provided that value does not exceed the corresponding hard limit. As in previous examples, the redirection of stderr to stdout allows setting up a dedicated logger for test-daemon.

Example service directory with an enviroment directory env:

user $ls -l
total 8
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 May  7 12:00 env
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  125 May  7 12:00 run
user $ls -l env
total 4
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2 May  7 12:00 SOFTLIMIT_OPENFILES
FILE run
exec \
envdir env \
envuidgid daemon \
softlimit \
test-daemon 2>&1

This script adds variables UID, GID and SOFTLIMIT_OPENFILES to test-daemon's environment, the first two set to the user ID and group ID of account daemon via envuidgid, and the last one via the enviroment directory env, which is used by the softlimit invocation to set the maximum number of open file descriptors to 5, provided it is the daemontools-encore version of that program. Environment variables UID and GID could be used by test-daemon to drop privileges.

Controlling supervised processes

Bernstein daemontools and daemontools-encore provide two programs for controlling a supervised process and to query status information about it: svc and svstat, respectively.

The svc program accepts a set of service directory pathnames and options that specify what to do. Some of these options are:

  • -d (down): If the supervised process is running, send it a SIGTERM signal followed by a SIGCONT signal. The run file won't be reexecuted after that, and, for daemontools-encore, the stop file will be executed, if present. This is the standard way to manually stop a supervised process. If the process is not running (e.g. because it has a down file or after a previous svc -d command) this is a no operation.
  • -u (up): If the supervised process is not running, start it by executing its run file, or, for daemontools-encore, its start file, if present. If the process is running, this is mostly a no operation, except that it cancels the effect of a previous svc -o command. This is the standard way to manually start a supervised process that has a down file, or that has been previously stopped with an svc -d command.
  • -o (once): If the supervised process is not running, start it by executing its run file, or, for daemontools-encore, its start file, if present, but don't restart it if terminates. This still allows the process to be monitored and to be reliably sent signals, but it won't actually be supervised. If the process is running, just ask supervise to not restart it if it terminates. The effect of this option can be cancelled by a subsequent svc -u command, and restored by another svc -o command.
  • -x (exit): Asks supervise to exit if the supervised process terminates. This is mostly useful for tearing down a supervision tree: after sending svscan a SIGTERM, an svc -dx ${scandir}/* command can terminate all supervised processes, because of the -d option, and make their supervise parents exit afterwards, because of the -x option. If an svc -dx command is used when svscan is still running, after the servicedir's supervise process exits, it will just be restarted on svscan's next periodic scan.

Other svc options allow reliably sending signals to a supervised process. For further details, please consult the svc man page. In particular, svc -a be used to send a SIGALRM signal to a supervised multilog process to force it to perform a rotation.

The svstat program accepts a set of service directory pathnames. Its output is intended to be displayed on a user interface or logged, not to be fed as input to a program for parsing. It displays whether the supervised process is running ('up') or not ('down'), its process ID (PID) if it is up, how long it has been in the current state, whether its current up or down status matches the presence or absence of a down file in the servicedir ('normally up' or 'normally down'), and whether it is transitioning to the desired state or already there ('want up' or 'want down'). The daemontools-encore version also displays the service's extended state (see the start, stop and notify files, and the daemontools-encore extended service state), and if there is a log executable file, it will print a second line of output with information about the logger process. If an -l option is passed svstat, the information about the logger process will be suppressed from the output, and if an -L option is passed to svstat, only information about the logger process will be displayed, or the message 'no log service' if the servicedir has no log executable file. For further details, please consult the svstat man page.

Bernstein daemontools and daemontools-encore also provide the svok program, that accepts a service directory pathname, and exits with an exit code of 0 if there is a supervise process successfully running for that directory, and an exit code of 100 if there isn't. It produces no output if no error was encountered, otherwise it displays an error message and exits with an exit code of 111. Finally, daemontools-encore provides the svup program, that accepts a service directory pathname, and exits with an exit code of 0 if there is a supervise process successfully running for that directory and the service's extended state is either started or running, and an exit code of 100 if the service is in any other state, or if there is no supervise process. It produces no output if no error was encountered, otherwise it displays an error message and exits with an exit code of 111. If there is a log executable file, svup exits with an exit code of 0 only if both the 'main' service and the logger are in started or running state. If an -l option is passed to svup, only the 'main' service will be checked, and if an -L option is passed to svup, only the logger will be checked (and the exit code will be 100 if the servicedir has no log executable file). For further details about svok and svup, please consult their respective man page.

For the operation performed by svc to be allowed, its effective user must have write access to the supervise/control FIFO in the service directory, otherwise, it will fail with an "access denied" error. For the operation performed by svstat and svup to be allowed, its effective user must have write access to the supervise/ok FIFO and read access to the supervise/status file in the service directory, otherwise, it will fail with an "access denied" error. Using svc or svstat on a service directory for which no supervise process is running will result in a "supervise not running" error.

Service directories with a log subdirectory and a log executable file:

user $ls -l
total 8
drwxr-xr-x 3 user user 4096 Jan 28 12:00 test-service1
drwxr-xr-x 2 user user 4096 Jan 28 12:00 test-service2
user $ls -l * test-service1/log
total 8
drwxr-xr-x 2 user user 4096 Jan 28 12:00 log
-rwxr-xr-x 1 user user   32 Jan 28 12:00 run

total 4
-rwxr-xr-x 1 user user 41 Jan 28 12:00 run

total 8
-rwxr-xr-x 1 user user 38 Jan 28 12:00 log
-rwxr-xr-x 1 user user 32 Jan 28 12:00 run
FILE test-service1/run
exec test-daemon 2>&1
FILE test-service1/log/run
exec multilog ../../../logdir1
FILE test-service2/run
exec test-daemon 2>&1
FILE test-service2/log
exec multilog ../../logdir2

Resulting supervision tree:

user $ps xf -o pid,ppid,pgrp,euser,args
2284  2122  2284 user     -bash
2353  2284  2353 user      \_ svscan
2354  2353  2353 user          \_ supervise test-service1
2357  2354  2357 user          |   \_ test-daemon
2355  2353  2353 user          \_ supervise log
2359  2355  2359 user          |   \_ multilog ../../../logdir1
2356  2353  2353 user          \_ supervise test-service2
2358  2356  2358 user              \_ multilog ../../logdir2
2360  2356  2360 user              \_ test-daemon

Note that there are separate supervise processes (with PIDs 2354 and 2355) for test-service1 and its logger, but a single supervise process (with PID 2356) supervising both test-service2 and its logger.

user $svstat *
test-service1: up (pid 2357) 157 seconds, running
test-service2: up (pid 2360) 156 seconds, running
test-service2 log: up (pid 2358) 157 seconds, running
user $svstat -l *
test-service1: up (pid 2357) 170 seconds, running
test-service2: up (pid 2360) 169 seconds, running
user $svstat -L *
test-service1: no log service
test-service2 log: up (pid 2358) 182 seconds, running

To get the status of the test-service1's logger, the pathname of the corresponding log subdirectory must be specified to svstat:

user $svstat test-service1/log
test-service1/log: up (pid 2359) 241 seconds, running

Starting the supervision tree

In a supervision tree arrangement each process supervises its children, therefore the robustness of the supervision tree ultimately relies on the svscan process. So the problem of how to supervise svscan itself arises, as well as what to do with svscan's messages in a logging chain.

From OpenRC

Gentoo's packaging of Bernstein daemontools and daemontools-encore provides an OpenRC service script for running svscan, also named svscan. If this service script is used, the scan directory will be /service. Thus, svscan can be started when the machine boots by adding it to an OpenRC runlevel using rc-update:

root #rc-update add svscan default

Or it can also be started manually:

root #rc-service svscan start
The service script launches svscan using OpenRC's start-stop-daemon program, so it will run unsupervised, and with its standard output and error redirected to /dev/null by default, so supervision tree messages other than those from leaf processes that have a dedicated logger will be lost.

The svscanboot script

Bernstein daemontools and daemontools-encore provide a script called scvscanboot, that can be spawned and supervised by sysvinit (sys-apps/sysvinit) by adding a respawn line for it in /etc/inittab. scvscanboot is a shell script that launches an svscan process and a readproctitle process, with the former's standard output connected to the latter's standard input by a pipe, and every other standard descriptor redirected to /dev/null. The enviroment will be empty, except for the PATH variable, set to a known value in the script. The scan directory will be /service.

Used in this way, the supervision tree becomes rooted in process 1, which cannot die without crashing the machine. Also, svscan's messages will go to readproctitle, so they can be seen using the ps utility.

Gentoo users wanting to use svscanboot will need to manually edit /etc/inittab, and then call telinit

FILE /etc/inittab
root #telinit q

This will run svscanboot when entering runlevels 1 to 5. Because svscanboot calls svc using absolute path /command/svc, a symlink to the correct path for Gentoo must be created:

root #mkdir -p /command
root #ln -s /usr/bin/svc /command/svc

The supervise-scripts package

Bruce Guenter's supervise-scripts package (sys-process/supervise-scripts) provides an svscan-add-to-inittab script that also allows sysvinit to launch and supervise svscan. The script will make a backup of /etc/inittab (with a name of the form /etc/inittab-YYYY-MM-DD) and then modify it so that another script, svscan-start is run when entering runlevels 1 to 5.

root #svscan-add-to-inittab
root #telinit q

The svscan-start script is a wrapper around svscan. After some initialization it will replace itself with svscan using the shell's exec builtin utility, with its standard input, output and error redirected to /dev/console. Therefore, svscan's messages will be shown on the console. The enviroment will be empty, except for the PATH variable, set to a known value in the script. The scan directory will be /service.

The package also includes an svscan-stopall script, that will be called when entering sysvinit's single user mode or runlevels 0, 1 and 6, to perform cleanup. It will stop all lingering supervise processes and their children using an svc -dx command.



root #emerge --ask --depclean --verbose sys-process/daemontools-encore

All scan directories, service directories, the /command/svc symlink, etc. must be manually deleted if no longer wanted after removing the package. Also, all modifications to /etc/inittab must be manually reverted, even when using the supervise-scripts package, because svscan-add-to-inittab does not have an 'undo' option. Lines for svscanboot, svscan-start and svscan-stopall must be deleted, and a telinit q command must be used afterwards. If no further changes to /etc/inittab have been made after invoking svscan-add-to-inittab, the backup copy created by that script before the changes are applied can be used to revert them by just replacing /etc/inittab with that file.

See also

  • Daemontools — a collection of tools for managing UNIX services
  • Runit — lightweight process supervision suite, originally inspired by daemontools-inspired that offers fast and reliable service management.
  • S6 — a package that provides a daemontools-inspired process supervision suite, a notification framework, a UNIX domain super-server, and tools for file descriptor holding and suidless privilege gain.
  • Process supervision — the ability to manage (long lived) processes or rather daemons and be able to get (automated) process restart if needed

External Resources


  1. D. J. Bernstein, daemontools FAQ, which includes one about the benefits of process supervision. Retrieved on April 23rd, 2017.
  2. Gerrit Pape, runit benefits, which includes a short description of process supervision in general. Retrieved on April 23rd, 2017.
  3. Laurent Bercot, s6 overview, which contains an introduction to process supervision. Retrieved on April 23rd, 2017.
  4. Jonathan de Boyne Pollard, Mistakes to avoid when designing Unix dæmon programs. Retrieved on May 5th, 2017.
  5. Laurent Bercot, the logging chain, Retrieved on May 1st, 2017.
  6. Laurent Bercot, on the syslog design, Retrieved on May 1st, 2017.