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All necessary Ceph software is available through the sys-cluster/ceph package. It contains all services as well as basic administration utilities for managing a Ceph cluster.


Before embarking on a Ceph deployment scenario, take the time to make a basic Ceph cluster design.

What is the purpose of the Ceph cluster? Is it to play around and experiment with Ceph? Is it to host all critical data in form of rbd devices? Is it to create a highly available file server?

What features are needed on the Ceph cluster? How many monitors are likely to be needed? How much storage will be used, and how will this storage be represented (as in, how many OSDs will be available and where will they run)? Will the cluster provide S3- or Swift-like APIs to the outside world?

What are the IP addresses that will be used by the cluster? Ceph requires a static IP environment, so making a well designed network infrastructure is important for Ceph to function properly.

How will the servers be distributed across the environment? Ceph has a number of buckets that it can use to differentiate servers and make well-thought-through distribution and replication decisions. The default is an OSD on a host in a rack in a row in a room inside a data center.

There are a number of best practices to account for through:

  • Most clusters require 3 monitor servers, perhaps 5. Clusters generally do not need more than 5 monitor servers to function in even the harshest environments.
  • Distribute the monitor servers across the environment. If the cluster is over a couple of racks, make sure that the monitor servers are distributed across the racks as well.
  • There is usually no need for RAID on the file system that an OSD uses. Instead, rely on the Ceph availability and distribution.
  • OSD services do not need a lot of CPU or RAM. A metadata server however does benefit from high-speed CPU and lots of memory.

Hardware layout

The hardware specification of this example consist of three machines: host1, host2, host3, each has three harddisk, first driver (/dev/sda) for OS installation, second, third (/dev/sdb, /dev/sdb) for OSD service, Ceph Monitor will be deployed at each machine, while Metadata serive will be deployed only at host1

System configuration

The first configuration to decide on is which Ceph version to deploy. At the time of writing, Ceph version 0.87 ("Giant") is available in the tree in ~arch while version 0.80 ("Firefly") is available as stable release. To use the ~arch version, add sys-cluster/ceph to package.accept_keywords:

FILE /etc/portage/package.accept_keywords/ceph

Next, validate that the Linux kernel is configured to support Ceph.

KERNEL Linux kernel configuration for Ceph
Device Drivers --->
  [*] Block devices --->
    <*> Rados block device (RBD)
File systems --->
  [*] Network File Systems --->
    <*> Ceph distributed file system
Ensure that support for extended attributes and POSIX ACL support is enabled in all file systems (such as Ext4, Btrfs, etc.) that will be used to host Ceph.


With the system configuration done, install the Ceph software.

The following USE flags are available for fine-tuning the installation.

USE flags for sys-cluster/ceph Ceph distributed filesystem

+cephfs Build support for cephfs, a POSIX compatible filesystem built on top of ceph
+mgr Build the ceph-mgr daemon
+parquet Support for s3 select on parquet objects
+radosgw Add radosgw support
+sqlite Add support for sqlite - embedded sql database
+ssl Add support for SSL/TLS connections (Secure Socket Layer / Transport Layer Security)
+system-boost Use system dev-libs/boost instead of the bundled one
+tcmalloc Use the dev-util/google-perftools libraries to replace the malloc() implementation with a possibly faster one
+uring Build with support for sys-libs/liburing
babeltrace Add support for LTTng babeltrace
custom-cflags Build with user-specified CFLAGS (unsupported)
diskprediction Enable local diskprediction module to predict disk failures
dpdk Enable DPDK messaging
fuse Build fuse client
grafana Install grafana dashboards
jaeger Enable jaegertracing and it's dependent libraries
jemalloc Use dev-libs/jemalloc for memory management
kafka Rados Gateway's pubsub support for Kafka push endpoint
kerberos Add kerberos support
ldap Add LDAP support (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol)
lttng Add support for LTTng
pmdk Enable PMDK libraries
rabbitmq Use rabbitmq-c to build rgw amqp push endpoint
rbd-rwl Enable librbd persistent write back cache
rbd-ssd Enable librbd persistent write back cache for SSDs
rdma Enable RDMA support via sys-cluster/rdma-core
rgw-lua Rados Gateway's support for dynamically adding lua packagess
selinux !!internal use only!! Security Enhanced Linux support, this must be set by the selinux profile or breakage will occur
spdk Enable SPDK user-mode storage driver toolkit
systemd Enable use of systemd-specific libraries and features like socket activation or session tracking
test Enable dependencies and/or preparations necessary to run tests (usually controlled by FEATURES=test but can be toggled independently)
xfs Add xfs support
zbd Enable sys-block/libzbd bluestore backend
zfs Add zfs support

With the USE flags defined, install the software:

root #emerge --ask sys-cluster/ceph

Cluster creation

Use uuidgen to generate a cluster id.

user $uuidgen

Create the basic skeleton for the ceph.conf file, and use the generated id for the fsid parameter.

FILE /etc/ceph/ceph.confGlobal part in ceph.conf
  fsid = a0ffc974-222e-449a-a078-121bdfcb110b
  cluster = ceph
  public network =
  # Enable cephx authentication (which uses shared keys for almost everything)
  auth cluster required = cephx
  auth service required = cephx
  auth client required = cephx
  # Replication
  osd pool default size = 2
  osd pool default min size = 1

In this example, a cluster is used with a replication factor of 2 (which means it is replicated once - there are two instances of each block) and a minimum of 1 (i.e. as long as one copy of the data is available, continue).

Next create the administrative key. The default administrative key is called client.admin:

root #ceph-authtool --create-keyring /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring --gen-key -n client.admin --cap mon 'allow *' --cap osd 'allow *' --cap mds 'allow'
root #awk '$1~"key" { print $3 }' /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring > /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.secret
root #chmod 600 /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.secret


To create the monitors, first add in the information to the ceph.conf file:

FILE /etc/ceph/ceph.confSnippet for monitors
  # Global settings for monitors
  mon host = host1, host2, host3
  mon addr =,,
  mon initial members = 0, 1, 2

  host = host1
  mon addr =

  host = host2
  mon addr =

  host = host3
  mon addr =

Next create the keyring for the monitor (so that the Ceph monitors can integrate and interact with the Ceph cluster) and add the administrative keyring to it:

root #ceph-authtool --create-keyring /etc/ceph/ceph.mon.keyring --gen-key -n mon. --cap mon 'allow *' --import-keyring /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring

Now create the initial monitor map (which is a binary file that the Ceph monitors use to find the default, initial monitor list).

root #monmaptool --create --fsid $(uuidgen) --add 0 --add 1 --add 2 /etc/ceph/ceph.initial-monmap

Create the file system that the monitors will use to keep their information in.

root #mkdir -p /var/log/ceph && chown ceph. /var/log/ceph
root #mkdir -p /var/lib/ceph/mon && chown ceph. /var/lib/ceph/mon
root #ceph-mon --mkfs -i 0 --monmap /etc/ceph/ceph.initial-monmap --keyring /etc/ceph/ceph.mon.keyring

Repeat this step on each system for the right id (-i 0 becomes -i 1 etc.)

Finally, create the init script to launch the monitor at boot:

root #ln -s /etc/init.d/ceph /etc/init.d/ceph-mon.0
root #rc-update add ceph-mon.0 default
root #rc-service ceph-mon.0 start

Also repeat this on each system for the right id.

Object store devices

Adding manually

Get a UUID for intended osd:

root #osd_uuid=$(uuidgen)
root #echo $osd_uuid

Create a new OSD in the cluster:

root #id=$(ceph osd create $osd_uuid)
root #echo $id

Create the mountpoint on which the data of the OSD will be stored:

root #mkdir -p /var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-$id

Make the filesystem for storing data and mount it (assuming you plan to store data on /dev/{partition}):

root #mkfs.xfs /dev/{partition}
root #mount -o rw,inode64 /dev/{partition} /var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-$id

Also, consider adding that filesystem to fstab like so:

root # fs_uuid=$(blkid -o value /dev/{partition} | cut -f1 -d$'\n')
root # echo "UUID=$fs_uuid /var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-$id xfs rw,inode64 0 0" >> /etc/fstab

Then, create the OSD files on it:

root #ceph-osd -i $id --mkfs --mkkey --no-mon-config --osd-uuid $osd_uuid
OSDs created by this method in Ceph Nautilus (and probably later) have the /var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-$id/block file of only 10G in size. As the said file holds OSD's data, it is desirable to adapt it to partition's size via running:
root #truncate -s ${partition_size}G /var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-$id/block

Change owner and group of that files to ceph, otherwise osd would not be able to write anything:

root #chown ceph: /var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-$id -R

Add the OSD keyring to the clusters' authentication database:

root #ceph auth add osd.$id osd 'allow *' mon 'allow profile osd' -i /var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-$id/keyring

Adding via ceph-volume

Ceph-volume is a tool for OSD deployment, at the moment recommended by the upstream way to deploy OSDs is through LVM, enable it before proceeding. To create new OSD:

root #ceph-volume lvm prepare --bluestore --data /dev/{partition} --no-systemd

Mind the id and uuid of the OSD that was created (look for -i and --osd-uuid keys in invocation of ceph-osd). At the moment OSD files are created in the tmpfs, that is mounted over /var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-$id/ directory. At the boot these files should be recreated from LVM metadata, to help boot scripts do so:

$osd_uuid and $id variables should be set manually.
root #echo "bluestore_osd_fsid=$osd_uuid" > /etc/conf.d/ceph-osd.$id


Add the current host to the CRUSH map if it is the first OSD of this host that participates in the cluster:

root #ceph osd crush add-bucket $(hostname) host
root #ceph osd crush move $(hostname) root=default

Add each OSD to the map with a default weight value:

root #ceph osd crush add osd.$id 1.0 host=$(hostname)

Create the init script for the OSD and have it start at boot:

root #ln -s /etc/init.d/ceph /etc/init.d/ceph-osd.$id
root #rc-update add ceph-osd.$id default
root #rc-service ceph-osd.$id start

Metadata server

Update the ceph.conf information for the MDS:

FILE /etc/ceph/ceph.confMDS snippet
  host = host1

Create two pools - one for data and one for metadata. The number 128 in the example below is the number of placement groups to assign inside the pool. Tune this correctly depending on the size of the cluster (see Ceph's placement groups information).

root #ceph osd pool create data 128
root #ceph osd pool create metadata 128

Now create a file system that uses these pools. The name of the file system can be chosen freely - the example uses cephfs:

root #ceph fs new cephfs metadata data

Create the keyring for the MDS service:

root #mkdir -p /var/lib/ceph/mds/ceph-0
root #ceph auth get-or-create mds.0 mds 'allow' osd 'allow *' mon 'allow rwx' > /var/lib/ceph/mds/ceph-0/keyring

Create the init script and have it start at boot:

root #ln -s /etc/init.d/ceph /etc/init.d/ceph-mds.0
root #rc-update add ceph-mds.0 default
root #rc-service ceph-mds.0 start