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Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. (AMD) is a semiconductor company. AMD is best known for producing CPUs based on x86 intruction set, motherboard chipsets and their own line of GPUs. Later AMD created amd64, which is the 64-bit equivalent instruction set of the x86.

Available software and articles

From Gentoo standpoint this wiki covers the following AMD related articles among others:

Graphics drivers

  • ATI FAQ — Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) to help users avoid some common installation and configuration issues related to DRI and X11 for AMD/ATI boards.
  • Radeon — a family of open source graphics drivers for older AMD/ATI Radeon graphics cards.
  • AMDGPU — the open source graphics drivers for AMD Radeon and other GPUs.
  • AMDGPU-PRO — the next generation closed source graphics component that operates on top of the open source AMDGPU drivers for newer AMD/ATI Radeon graphics cards.