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Timewarrior (timew) is a time management tool for the terminal. At its heart is a stopwatch-like timer that tags blocks of time with descriptive text. Data is stored locally in JSON format to ensure portability. From this data detailed time tracking reports can be generated. Like its sibling Taskwarrior, the Timewarrior application has a large ecosystem of related tools that have grown up around it.


USE flags

USE flags for app-misc/timew Tracks your time from the command line, and generates reports


root #emerge --ask app-misc/timew

Additional software

Timewarrior is designed to optionally integrate into Taskwarrior by means of event-based hooks. To integrate the two programs /usr/share/doc/timew-<ver>/ext/on-modify.timewarrior must be copied to the .task/ directory inside of the user's home.


Environment variables

  • $TIMEWARRIORDB - specifies the location of the timewarrior directory.


  • ~/.timewarrior/timewarrior.cfg - the default location of user configuration data.
  • ~/.timewarrior/data/YYYY-MM.data - time tracking data files separated by year and month.


If timew is run without any arguments it will provide information on any active tracking the application is performing:

user $timew
There is no active time tracking.

Starting the time tracking process is as simple as:

user $timew start

‾ The timer will run until it is stopped by user action:

user $timew stop

To get a summary of recently logged time:

user $timew summary
Wk  Date       Day Tags    Start      End    Time   Total
‾‾  ‾‾‾‾       ‾‾‾ ‾‾‾‾    ‾‾‾‾‾      ‾‾‾    ‾‾‾‾   ‾‾‾‾‾
W17 2023-04-26 Wed      19:31:26 19:34:00 0:02:34 0:02:34


Tagging allows the user to track time for specific projects. Tags can be single words or, if enclosed in single quotes, multiple words long.

user $timew start 'wiki edits'

This could then display as:

user $timew summary
Wk  Date       Day Tags          Start      End    Time   Total
‾‾  ‾‾‾‾       ‾‾‾ ‾‾‾‾          ‾‾‾‾‾      ‾‾‾    ‾‾‾‾   ‾‾‾‾‾
W17 2023-04-26 Wed            19:31:26 19:34:00 0:02:34
                   wiki edits 19:57:47 19:59:28 0:01:41 0:04:15



user $timew --help
Usage: timew [--version]
       timew annotate @<id> [@<id> ...] <annotation>
       timew cancel
       timew config [<name> [<value> | '']]
       timew continue [@<id>] [<date>|<interval>]
       timew day [<interval>] [<tag> ...]
       timew delete @<id> [@<id> ...]
       timew diagnostics
       timew export [<interval>] [<tag> ...]
       timew extensions
       timew gaps [<interval>] [<tag> ...]
       timew get <DOM> [<DOM> ...]
       timew help [<command> | dates | dom | durations | hints | ranges]
       timew join @<id> @<id>
       timew lengthen @<id> [@<id> ...] <duration>
       timew modify (start|end) @<id> <date>
       timew month [<interval>] [<tag> ...]
       timew move @<id> <date>
       timew [report] <report> [<interval>] [<tag> ...]
       timew shorten @<id> [@<id> ...] <duration>
       timew show
       timew split @<id> [@<id> ...]
       timew start [<date>] [<tag> ...]
       timew stop [<tag> ...]
       timew summary [<interval>] [<tag> ...]
       timew tag @<id> [@<id> ...] <tag> [<tag> ...]
       timew tags [<interval>] [<tag> ...]
       timew track <interval> [<tag> ...]
       timew undo
       timew untag @<id> [@<id> ...] <tag> [<tag> ...]
       timew week [<interval>] [<tag> ...]

Additional help:
       timew help <command>
       timew help dates
       timew help dom
       timew help durations
       timew help hints
       timew help ranges
Additional help:
       timew help <command>
       timew help dates
       timew help dom
       timew help durations
       timew help hints
       timew help ranges

       [from] <date>
       [from] <date> to/- <date>
       [from] <date> for <duration>
       <duration> before/after <date>
       <duration> ago
       [for] <duration>

       'Single Quoted Words'
       "Double Quoted Words"
       Escaped\ Spaces

Configuration overrides:


Timewarrior is not respecting the XDG Directory Specification

Curently Timewarrior has partial support for the XDG Directory specification. If the $TIMEWARRIORDB variable is set then timew will store its data at the location specified by the variable. If the directory ~/.timewarrior/ exists and the $TIMEWARRIORDB variable is not set, then this directory is used by timew to store data. If neither of these conditions are true, $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/timewarrior/ is used instead.

Provided timew is not running, moving an existing Timewarrior data directory from its legacy location to its XDG location should be as simple as:

user $mv ~/.timewarrior $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/timewarrior



root #emerge --ask --depclean --verbose app-misc/timew

See also