ECryptfs development is stalled. The latest stable release of the userland tools was released in 2016. The kernel code is still actively maintained.
eCryptfs is an in-kernel file encryption suite. It supports diffferent symmetric encryption algorithms depending on the Kernel's crypto API. In contrast to LUKS encryption happens per file. Encryption meta data is added to the file header. ECryptfs consists of a Linux kernel module and a set of userland tools.
ECryptfs works with the same concept of a lower and an upper layer as OverlayFS. The lower layer can be a directory on a mounted file system and will be encrypted. It can be mounted using type ecryptfs, onto an empty directory to form the upper layer. The upper layer is read/write: when files are read they are decrypted from the lower layer, and files are written to they are on the fly encrypted on the lower layer. Once the upper layer is unmounted only the encrypted lower layer remains.
An interactive example with an encrypted lower layer /tmp/enc and an upper decrypted layer /tmp/dec would be:
root #
mkdir /tmp/enc /tmp/dec
root #
mount -t ecryptfs /tmp/enc /tmp/dec
Select key type to use for newly created files: 1) passphrase 2) openssl Selection: 1 Passphrase: Select cipher: 1) aes: blocksize = 16; min keysize = 16; max keysize = 32 2) blowfish: blocksize = 8; min keysize = 16; max keysize = 56 3) des3_ede: blocksize = 8; min keysize = 24; max keysize = 24 4) twofish: blocksize = 16; min keysize = 16; max keysize = 32 5) cast6: blocksize = 16; min keysize = 16; max keysize = 32 6) cast5: blocksize = 8; min keysize = 5; max keysize = 16 Selection [aes]: 1 Select key bytes: 1) 16 2) 32 3) 24 Selection [16]: 2 Enable plaintext passthrough (y/n) [n]: y Enable filename encryption (y/n) [n]: Attempting to mount with the following options: ecryptfs_unlink_sigs ecryptfs_passthrough ecryptfs_key_bytes=32 ecryptfs_cipher=aes ecryptfs_sig=7a1719eb53966dd1 WARNING: Based on the contents of [/root/.ecryptfs/sig-cache.txt], it looks like you have never mounted with this key before. This could mean that you have typed your passphrase wrong. Would you like to proceed with the mount (yes/no)? : yes Would you like to append sig [7a1719eb53966dd1] to [/root/.ecryptfs/sig-cache.txt] in order to avoid this warning in the future (yes/no)? : yes Successfully appended new sig to user sig cache file Mounted eCryptfs
A quick demo where a small file is being encypted on the fly:
root #
echo "xxx" > /tmp/dec/xxx
root #
file /tmp/dec/xxx /tmp/enc/xxx
/tmp/dec/xxx: ASCII text /tmp/enc/xxx: FILE_SIZE=12288
Note that, if plaintext passthrough is enabled, anything written to the lower layer will bypass encryption and decryption:
root #
echo "some text" > /tmp/enc/cleartext
root #
cat /tmp/dec/cleartext /tmp/enc/cleartext
some text some text
ECryptfs needs its module, key retention, and desired ciphers enabled in the Linux kernel. Currently supported ciphers are aes, blowfish, des3_ede, cast5, cast6, and twofish. Make sure to select appropriate hardware accelerated ciphers for the target computer, e.g. AES-NI.
Processor type and features --->
Processor family (AMD Zen 3) (select appropriate target CPU if USE=experimental for gentoo-sources)
File systems --->
[*] Miscellaneous filesystems --->
<M> eCrypt filesystem layer support
[*] Enable notifications for userspace key wrap/unwrap
Security options --->
[*] Enable access key retention support
Cryptographic API --->
*** Block modes ***
<M> CBC support
<M> ECB support
*** Digest ***
<M> MD5 digest algorithm
*** Ciphers ***
<M> AES cipher algorithms
<M> AES cipher algorithms (AES-NI)
<M> Blowfish cipher algorithm
<M> Blowfish cipher algorithm (x86_64)
{M} CAST5 (CAST-128) cipher algorithm
<M> CAST5 (CAST-128) cipher algorithm (x86_64/AVX)
{M} CAST6 (CAST-256) cipher algorithm
<M> CAST6 (CAST-256) cipher algorithm (x86_64/AVX)
<M> DES and Triple DES EDE cipher algorithms
<M> Triple DES EDE cipher algorithm (x86-64)
<M> Twofish cipher algorithm
{M} Twofish cipher algorithm (x86_64)
{M} Twofish cipher algorithm (x86_64, 3-way parallel)
<M> Twofish cipher algorithm (x86_64/AVX)
USE flags
USE flags for sys-fs/ecryptfs-utils eCryptfs userspace utilities
Add extra documentation (API, Javadoc, etc). It is recommended to enable per package instead of globally |
Enable app-crypt/gnupg key module |
Add support for x11-libs/gtk+ (The GIMP Toolkit) |
Add Native Language Support (using gettext - GNU locale utilities) |
Enable dev-libs/openssl key module |
Add support for PAM (Pluggable Authentication Modules) - DANGEROUS to arbitrarily flip |
Enable PKCS#11 (Smartcards) key module |
Enable setuid root program(s) |
Enable support for Trusted Platform Module (TPM) using app-crypt/trousers |
Install sys-fs/ecryptfs-utils:
root #
emerge --ask sys-fs/ecryptfs-utils
sys-fs/ecryptfs-utils must be compiled with the
USE flag in order to use the auto-mount capabilities of PAM as described below. Getting rid of setuid and/ or fixing general mounts see bug #829576. Otherwise mounting arbitrary directories requires user mounts based on /etc/fstab. Section Mount Remote Directory shows how to do this.Load the eCryptfs module
Most of the eCryptfs tools will load the eCryptfs module when needed, but in specific cases it may be necessary to load the module explicitly:
root #
modprobe ecryptfs
Add ecryptfs to /etc/modules-load.d/ecryptfs if the module should be loaded always after booting the system:
root #
echo ecryptfs >> /etc/modules-load.d/ecryptfs
Verify kernel support for eCryptfs
The Linux kernel maintains a list of supported file systems at /proc/filesystems. Verify eCryptfs support as follows:
user $
grep ecryptfs /proc/filesystems
nodev ecryptfs
Key management
Using a passphrase as an encryption key, as was done in the example in the introduction, while practical, has the disadvantage that the passphrase can never be changed. The best practice to regularly change passphrases would not be possible in such a setup. unless the whole contents of a encrypted directory would be re-encrypted with a different encryption key. This is not convenient and may take too much time for larger volumes of data.
In order to cater for changing passphrases for encryption, aka rekeying, ECryptfs has the possibility to work with encrypted encryption keys. ECryptfs calls this wrapped passphrases. These wrapped passphrases are stored in a file, a keyfile, and are protected with a passphrase. The passphrase for the keyfile can be changed, and this is how rekeying is possible.
Creating a passphrase protected keyfile
The procedure is to create a safe location for a keyfile, protect it so that only root can access it, and call ecryptfs-wrap-passphrase:
root #
mkdir -p /root/.ecryptfs
root #
chmod 700 /root/.ecryptfs
root #
ecryptfs-wrap-passphrase /root/.ecryptfs/keyfile.excryptfs
Passphrase to wrap: Wrapping passphrase:
The Passphrase to wrap is the encryption key. The Wrapping passphrase is the passphrase that will be used to protect the encrypted encryption key. The result is stored in /root/.ecryptfs/keyfile.excryptfs
The encryption key can be quite complicated but must be less the 64 characters. It can be completely random and sourced from /dev/urandom, but needs to be encoded to s string before it can be used by ecryptfs-wrap-passphrase.
The following python script may be useful to randomize a 50 character encryption key and feed it to ecryptfs-wrap-passphrase.
import string, secrets, getpass
wrapping_passphrase = getpass.getpass("Passphrase:")
alphabet = string.ascii_letters + string.digits + '!@#$%^&*()-_=+{}[];<>?.'
encryption_key = ''.join(secrets.choice(alphabet) for i in range(50))
Use it as follows:
root #
cd /root/.ecryptfs
root #
python | ecryptfs-wrap-passphrase keyfile.ecryptfs
Passphrase: Passphrase to wrap: Wrapping passphrase:
Using a keyfile
The keyfile generated can be used for mounting. To test it out, unmount /tmp/dec, and /tmp/dec and /tmp/enc, assuming that this was just used for test and that nothing valuable is in there. Then create these directories again, and mount the encrypted /tmp/enc on /tmp/dec using the keyfile:
root #
umount /tmp/dec
root #
rm -rf /tmp/dec /tmp/enc
root #
mkdir /tmp/dec /tmp/enc
root #
mount -t ecryptfs /tmp/enc /tmp/dec -o key=passphrase:passwd_file=/root/.ecryptfs/keyfile.ecryptfs"
Passphrase: Select cipher: 1) aes: blocksize = 16; min keysize = 16; max keysize = 32 2) blowfish: blocksize = 8; min keysize = 16; max keysize = 56 3) des3_ede: blocksize = 8; min keysize = 24; max keysize = 24 4) twofish: blocksize = 16; min keysize = 16; max keysize = 32 5) cast6: blocksize = 16; min keysize = 16; max keysize = 32 6) cast5: blocksize = 8; min keysize = 5; max keysize = 16 Selection [aes]: 1 Select key bytes: 1) 16 2) 32 3) 24 Selection [16]: 1 Enable plaintext passthrough (y/n) [n]: y Enable filename encryption (y/n) [n]: Attempting to mount with the following options: ecryptfs_unlink_sigs ecryptfs_passthrough ecryptfs_key_bytes=16 ecryptfs_cipher=aes ecryptfs_sig=45d18b267ac3e929 Mounted eCryptf
Changing the passphrase of a keyfile
Call ecryptfs-rewrap-passphrase to update the encryption key to use a new passphrase:
root #
ecryptfs-rewrap-passphrase /root/.ecryptfs/keyfile.ecryptfs
Old wrapping passphrase: New wrapping passphrase: New wrapping passphrase (again):
Working with kernel keys
It is possible to store passphrases in the Linux kernel keystore. Once a key is insterted in the kernel, mounting of en eCryptfs encrypted directory can be done without providing a passphrase. ECryptfs provides a utility called ecryptfs-add-passphrase to do this:
root #
Passphrase: Inserted auth tok with sig [45d18b267ac3e929] into the user session keyring
It is also possible to pipe a passphrase into ecryptfs-add-passphrase.
Note the signature 45d18b267ac3e929, which, when the same passphrase was used, is the same as the signature as seen when the encrypted directory was first mounted.
This signature can now be used for the mount. To demonstrate that:
root #
umount /tmp/dec /tmp/enc
root #
mount -i -t ecryptfs /tmp/enc /tmp/dec -o ecryptfs_sig=45d18b267ac3e929,ecryptfs_cipher=aes,ecryptfs_key_bytes=16,ecryptfs_unlink_sigs
root #
echo "xxxxx" > /tmp/dec/xxxxx
root #
file /tmp/dec/xxxxx /tmp/enc/xxxxx
/tmp/dec/xxxxx: ASCII text /tmp/enc/xxxxx: FILE_SIZE=12288
ECryptfs retrieved the passphrase from the kernel, and it did not need to be entered interactively. The other required mount parameters were added on the commandline to prevent in interactive dialog. Note the -i option for the mount, which prevents the calling of the helper function, which would still try to mount interactively.
Managing the kernel keystore
The command keyctl can be used to manage the kernel keystore. In the kernel keystore, keys are added to keyrings. ECryptfs keys are added to the user keyring, referred to as @u:
root #
keyctl list @u
1 key in keyring: 583211167: --alswrv 0 0 user: 45d18b267ac3e929
If a key is no longer required then it can be removed:
root #
keyctl unlink 583211167 @u
root #
keyctl list @u
keyring is empty
If no keys are required anymore then the complete user keyring can be cleared out with keyctl clear @u.
Using PAM
PAM can be used for automatically adding keyphrases to the kernel key store. See the below diff for the system-auth file.
diff -u /etc/pam.d/system-auth.orig /etc/pam.d/system-auth
--- /etc/pam.d/system-auth 2021-12-13 02:23:28.094220446 -0500 +++ /etc/pam.d/system-auth 2021-12-13 02:28:04.886740693 -0500 @@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ auth [success=1 default=ignore] nullok try_first_pass auth [default=die] authfail auth optional +auth optional unwrap account required account required password required config=/etc/security/passwdqc.conf @@ -10,3 +11,4 @@ session required session required session required +session optional unwrap
When a user logs in, PAM will enter the user's password to the kernel keyring. ECryptfs can then retrieve the passphrase based on the signature. This will only work if the login password is the same as the eCryptfs passphrase.
Using fstab
An eCryptfs encrypted directory can be added to /etc/fstab so that ordinary users can mount them. The procedure is to mount the directory first as root and then capture the mount options from /etc/mtab:
root #
grep /home/user/.private /etc/mtab
/home/user/.private /home/user/private ecryptfs key=passphrase:passwd_file=/home/user/.ecryptfs/keyfile.ecryptfs,rw,relatime,ecryptfs_sig=45d18b267ac3e929,ecryptfs_cipher=aes,ecryptfs_key_bytes=16 0 0
This can then be added to /etc/fstab, adding "noauto" and "user" to the mount options:
/home/user/.private /home/user/private ecryptfs noauto,user,key=passphrase:passwd_file=/home/user/.ecryptfs/keyfile.ecryptfs,rw,relatime,ecryptfs_sig=45d18b267ac3e929,ecryptfs_cipher=aes,ecryptfs_key_bytes=16 0 0
A user is then able to mount this directory after adding their passphrase to they kernel keyring. When PAM is used for adding the passphrase to the kernel keyring, the mount could be done automatically after login from a login script (e.g. ~/.bashrc) or a desktop autostart facility.
Note that ordinary users are not allowed to provide mount options; Users would have to have the system administrator change the ecryptfs_sig mount option when they change their passphrase.
Encrypting swap
Ecryptfs-utils has a utility ecryptfs-setup-swap which depends on sys-fs/cryptsetup. However, this utility is currently Ubuntu centric. To setup an encrypted swap, install sys-fs/cryptsetup and edit /etc/conf.d/dmcrypt which has an example of an encrypted swap in it.
crypt-swap exampleswap=crypt-swap
options='--cipher=aes-xts-plain64 --key-size=512 --key-file=/dev/urandom'
Add dm-crypt to the boot run level with:
root #
rc-config add dmcrypt boot
For a version of ecryptfs-setup-swap which works with gentoo, see [1].
Mount Remote Directory
Current version of ecryptfs ships with an unusable mount.ecryptfs. It will always complain that passwd details cannot be found for uid. Due to a lack of adaption since 2012, this helper is broken. Only direct invocation of mount works.
To bind and encrypt a remote directory, two stages are necessary. First, net-fs/sshfs mounts the directory onto the local machine and provides transport encryption. Second, ecryptfs transparently encrypts and decrypts files. NFS is an alternative but must be secured in transport and at rest, too.
- on the remote host create an empty directory
- on the local machine create a directory .secret and a second directory secret
- on the local machine mount the remote host's directory to .secret
- and add a passphrase to the Kernel's (user) keyring with ecryptfs-add-passphrase
- as root use the signature prompted from the previous command to create an entry in /etc/fstab with option user, so that user mount is possible
- as normal user mount -i secret so that encrypted directory becomes decrypted under secret
- when done, first umount secret which also removes the key from the keyring...
- ... second umount .secret to disconnect from remote host
user $
Passphrase: Inserted auth tok with sig [28320aba320b22df] into the user session keyring
#mount with same passphrase for files and meta data
/home/user/.secret /home/user/secret ecryptfs user,noauto,ecryptfs_sig=28320aba320b22df,ecryptfs_fnek_sig=28320aba320b22df,ecryptfs_cipher=aes,ecryptfs_key_bytes=32,ecryptfs_unlink_sigs 0 0
Use keyctl to verify signatures of keys being loaded for current user. After ecryptfs-add-passphrase, there will be more entries. The sample shows the signature from above plus two others. Also check that after umount of ecryptfs layer the signature is gone.
user $
keyctl list @u
3 keys in keyring: 314829634: --alswrv 1000 1000 user: a9d767fe56ef6923 225345633: --alswrv 1000 1000 user: 28320aba320b22df 729098673: --alswrv 1000 1000 user: 277ff13fd4e56c3d
It is absolutely valid to mount different ecryptfs overlays with the same signature. It is not a problem when unmounting one of them erases the signature from the keyring. The second overlay stays fully functional.
Hints and Criticism
- available algorithms depend on Kernel API and configuration, check /proc/crypto
- folder structure, number of files and file size clearly visible