Help:Category structure

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In order to make it easier to discover new pages, every page on the wiki belongs to at least one category (with a few exceptions). Categories are mostly arranged in a hierarchy that allows readers to quickly find whatever categories they may be looking for. This page provides a high-level overview of the category structure.

Wiki root

The wiki root is the root of all categories on the wiki. Its subcategories correspond to the categories under "Documentation" in the purple navigation bar, which also correspond to the categories on the main page:

Any page on the wiki can be reached from these categories.

Each of these categories has the following navigation box, which can be used to jump to any of the other categories on the same level:

They are explained in the following sections. The explanations can also be found on the category pages themselves.

Core system

These articles cover the central aspects of Gentoo Linux, both those written and maintained by Gentoo, and projects essential to running systems in general.

See the Portage articles about the package manager. See OpenRC and systemd for the principal init systems on Gentoo.

See GRUB and the Bootloaders subcategory about setting up a boot loader.

Other central subcategories include Installation, Kernel, and Shell.

In case of issues using Gentoo, see the troubleshooting or support pages.


These articles deal with running specific software packages on Gentoo.

See recommended applications for a general list of useful GUI software, recommended tools for CLI programs, or useful Portage tools for Gentoo-specific utilities. See the subcategory Category:Meta for more lists of some of the software available for specific tasks.

For broad categories of software, see Category:Command line tools, Category:Text-based user interfaces, and Category:GUI software.

See Category:Development about writing software on Gentoo.

See also
See also Category:Desktop and Category:Server and Security for specific types of software.


These articles deal with setting up and running specific hardware devices with Gentoo.

The hardware detection article lists tools that are helpful with reporting on system hardware.

See the printing article for information on setting up and using printers with Gentoo. The Wifi and Ethernet articles can help with setting up network hardware. See the ALSA article for steps about setting up soundcards and other audio hardware.


These articles cover running Gentoo with a graphical desktop interface.

See the desktop environment, window manager, and display manager subcategories. Some popular desktop environments are GNOME, KDE, and Xfce.

Also of interest will be the Xorg, X_server, Xorg/Guide, and Wayland articles.

See also
See also the more general Software category.

Server and Security

These articles cover running Gentoo as a server, and security concerns.

See the server and security subcategories for specific articles.

See the Hardened Gentoo article for information about improving security on Gentoo Linux.

Always remember to backup data!

See also
See also the more general Category:Software.

Project and Community

These articles cover the Gentoo project and surrounding community.

Check out the Contributing to Gentoo article for some of the many ways to help out in the community, there is also Category:Contributing to Gentoo. See Category:Gentoo development about actually creating Gentoo.

Anyone willing to help out with the documentation effort should take a look at the contributor's guide, and there is the Gentoo wiki project page about managing the wiki, the Gentoo wiki FAQ, and Category:Gentoo_Wiki .

There is a list of Gentoo Developers and their wiki pages. Gentoo developers can check out Category:Documentation for Gentoo devs for help on processes around working on the Gentoo project.

See the guide category for some guides on specific topics, and the Knowledge Base for articles answering specific questions. See the benefits of Gentoo article for some information about what makes Gentoo stand out.

Prefix is a the project that aims to bring the power of Gentoo and Portage to other operating systems.