KDE Frameworks, Plasma 5, and Applications, each with their own release cycle, is the next generation of KDE software, based on Qt 5. The single monolithic release in KDE ('KDE SC 4') has been replaced by these three distinct components.
High level overview
KDE Frameworks is a large collection of libraries organised into tiers. Tier 1 libraries may only depend on Qt frameworks or other system libraries. Tier 2 libraries may only depend on tier 1 libraries, Qt frameworks or other system libraries, and so on. This design makes it easy for other projects to benefit without having to "pull in KDE".
KDE Plasma builds upon Frameworks to provide the desktop environment. Due to an upstream design decision, it is not coinstallable with Plasma 4.
In order to match this distinct three-way upstream categorisation, we have introduced three new categories: kde-frameworks, kde-plasma, and kde-apps.
Current status
Status |
Todo |
Not yet packaged
In progress |
Packaged, but requires more work
Done |
Packaged and is considered ready for testing
Tier 1
attica |
Done |
bluez-qt |
Done |
breeze-icons |
Done |
breeze-icons-rcc |
Done |
Split from breeze-icons.
extra-cmake-modules |
Done |
kapidox |
Done |
karchive |
Done |
kcalendarcore |
Done |
Since 5.63.0
kcodecs |
Done |
kconfig |
Done |
kcoreaddons |
Done |
kdbusaddons |
Done |
kdnssd |
Done |
kguiaddons |
Done |
kholidays |
Done |
Since 5.43.0
ki18n |
Done |
kidletime |
Done |
kirigami |
Done |
Since 5.37.0
kitemmodels |
Done |
kitemviews |
Done |
kplotting |
Done |
kquickcharts |
Done |
Since 5.65.0
kwayland |
Done |
Since 5.22.0
kwidgetsaddons |
Done |
kwindowsystem |
Done |
Tests require running environment, restricted.
modemmanager-qt |
Done |
networkmanager-qt |
Done |
net-misc/networkmanager USE deps need double-checking
oxygen-icons |
Done |
prison |
Done |
Since 5.29.0
qqc2-desktop-style |
Done |
Since 5.39.0
solid |
Done |
sonnet |
Done |
syntax-highlighting |
Done |
threadweaver |
Done |
Tier 2
kactivities |
Done |
kauth |
Done |
kcompletion |
Done |
kcontacts |
Done |
Since 5.63.0
kcrash |
Done |
Tests require running environment, restricted.
kdoctools |
Done |
kfilemetadata |
Done |
kimageformats |
Done |
kjobwidgets |
Done |
knotifications |
Done |
kpackage |
Done |
kpty |
Done |
ksyndication |
Done |
Since 5.50.0
kunitconversion |
Done |
Tier 3
baloo |
Done |
kactivities-stats |
Done |
kbookmarks |
Done |
kcmutils |
Done |
kconfigwidgets |
Done |
kdeclarative |
Done |
kded |
Done |
kdesu |
Done |
kemoticons |
Done |
Tests require running environment, restricted.
kglobalaccel |
Done |
kiconthemes |
Done |
kinit |
Done |
kio |
Done |
Tests require running environment, restricted.
knewstuff |
Done |
knotifyconfig |
Done |
kparts |
Done |
kpeople |
Done |
krunner |
Done |
kservice |
Done |
Tests require running environment, restricted.
ktexteditor |
Done |
Tests require running environment, restricted.
ktextwidgets |
Done |
kwallet |
Done |
Potentially split out kwalletd.
kxmlgui |
Done |
kxmlrpcclient |
Done |
plasma |
Done |
Tests require running environment, restricted.
purpose |
Done |
Since 5.43.0
Tier 4
frameworkintegration |
Done |
Tests require running environment, restricted.
Porting Aids
kdelibs4support |
Done |
Tests fail, restricted.
kdesignerplugin |
Done |
Only in kde overlay, no more revdeps
kdewebkit |
Done |
Last-rited together with dev-qt/qtwebkit
khtml |
Done |
kjs |
Done |
kjsembed |
Done |
Only in kde overlay, no more revdeps
kmediaplayer |
Done |
Only in kde overlay, no more revdeps
kross |
Done |
Plasma 5
Status |
Todo |
Not yet packaged
In progress |
Packaged, but requires more work
Done |
Packaged and is considered ready for testing
bluedevil |
Done |
breeze |
Done |
breeze-grub |
Done |
breeze-gtk |
Done |
breeze-plymouth |
Done |
discover |
In progress |
Useful for global addons management; no application backend
drqk |
Done |
kactivitymanagerd |
Done |
kde-cli-tools |
Done |
Tests require running environment, restricted.
kde-gtk-config |
Done |
kdecoration |
Done |
kdeplasma-addons |
Done |
Needs to be checked at each major release for new deps from unported applets
kgamma |
Done |
khotkeys |
Done |
follow upstream commits, tests subdir is commented at the moment
kinfocenter |
Done |
kmenuedit |
Done |
kscreen |
Done |
kscreenlocker |
Done |
ksshaskpass |
Done |
manpage disabled due to doc/ being commented out by KDE_HANDBOOK
ksysguard |
Done |
kwallet-pam |
Done |
kwayland-integration |
Done |
kwin |
Done |
kactivities can be optional. review opengl/egl/etc. stuff
kwrited |
In progress |
Forced deps due to bin/kded change
libkscreen |
Done |
libksysguard |
In progress |
Bogus deps
libkworkspace |
Done |
Split from plasma-workspace
milou |
In progress |
Bogus deps
oxygen |
Done |
plasma-desktop |
In progress |
kactivities can be optional. bogus itemmodels?
plasma-integration |
Done |
plasma-nm |
Done |
Deps need rechecking after porting away from kdelibs4support. Double-check teamd USE pinning.
plasma-pa |
Done |
plasma-sdk |
In progress |
plasma-thunderbolt |
In progress |
sys-apps/bolt needs init script
plasma-workspace |
Done |
plasma-workspace-wallpapers |
Done |
polkit-kde-agent |
Done |
powerdevil |
Done |
sddm-kcm |
In progress |
Bogus dependencies, RR upstream
systemsettings |
Done |
user-manager |
Done |
xdg-desktop-portal-kde |
Done |
xembed-sni-proxy |
Done |
Split from plasma-workspace
Status |
Todo |
Not yet packaged
In progress |
Packaged, but requires more work
Done |
Packaged and is considered ready for testing
dolphin |
Done |
15.08 |
kate |
Done |
14.12 |
kde-baseapps |
see separate section below
khelpcenter |
Done |
From Plasma 5 |
konsole |
Done |
14.12 |
kwrite |
Done |
14.12 |
jovie |
dropped in 17.12
kaccessibile |
dropped in 17.12
kmag |
Done |
17.08 |
kmousetool |
Done |
17.08 |
kmouth |
Done |
17.12 |
kdebase-meta |
Done |
wrapper for plasma-meta and kdecore-meta
kdepasswd |
dropped in 16.12
kdialog |
Done |
16.12 |
keditbookmarks |
Done |
16.12 |
kfind |
Done |
16.12 |
kfmclient |
Done |
16.12 |
merged into konqueror-16.12
konq-plugins |
Done |
16.12 |
merged into konqueror-16.12
konqueror |
Done |
16.12 |
libkonq |
Done |
16.12 |
merged into konqueror-16.12
nsplugins |
Done |
16.12 |
merged into konqueror-16.12
plasma-apps |
dropped in 16.12
kdeadmin-meta |
Done |
kcron |
Done |
15.04 |
ksystemlog |
Done |
15.12 |
kuser |
dropped in 16.12
There are other kdebindings packages that have no KDE Applications release yet
kross-interpreters |
Done |
15.08 |
part of kdesdk in gentoo
pykde5 |
todo |
master branch |
unmaintained upstream
analitza |
Done |
artikulate |
Done |
blinken |
Done |
cantor |
Done |
kalgebra |
Done |
kalzium |
Done |
kanagram |
Done |
kbruch |
Done |
kdeedu-data |
Done |
kgeography |
Done |
khangman |
Done |
kig |
Done |
kiten |
Done |
klettres |
Done |
kmplot |
Done |
kqtquickcharts |
Done |
kstars |
Done |
ktouch |
Done |
kturtle |
Done |
kwordquiz |
Done |
libkdeedu |
dropped in 16.08
libkeduvocdocument |
Done |
marble |
Done |
minuet |
Done |
parley |
Done |
rocs |
Done |
step |
Done |
bomber |
Done |
15.04 |
bovo |
Done |
15.04 |
granatier |
Done |
15.04 |
kajongg |
Done |
17.04 |
kapman |
Done |
15.04 |
katomic |
Done |
15.04 |
kblackbox |
Done |
15.04 |
kblocks |
Done |
15.04 |
kbounce |
Done |
15.04 |
kbreakout |
Done |
15.04 |
kdiamond |
Done |
15.04 |
kfourinline |
Done |
15.04 |
kgoldrunner |
Done |
17.08 |
kigo |
Done |
17.08 |
killbots |
Done |
15.04 |
kiriki |
Done |
15.08 |
kjumpingcube |
Done |
15.04 |
klickety |
Done |
15.12 |
klines |
Done |
15.04 |
kmahjongg |
Done |
16.04 |
kmines |
Done |
15.04 |
knavalbattle |
Done |
15.12 |
knetwalk |
Done |
15.04 |
kolf |
Done |
17.12 |
kollision |
Done |
15.04 |
konquest |
Done |
17.08 |
kpat |
Done |
15.04 |
kreversi |
Done |
17.08 |
kshisen |
Done |
15.04 |
ksirk |
Done |
17.12 |
ksnakeduel |
Done |
17.08 |
kspaceduel |
Done |
17.08 |
ksquares |
Done |
15.04 |
ksudoku |
Done |
17.08 |
ktuberling |
Done |
15.12 |
kubrick |
Done |
17.08 |
libkdegames |
Done |
15.04 |
libkmahjongg |
Done |
15.04 |
lskat |
Done |
17.08 |
palapeli |
Done |
17.12 |
picmi |
Done |
15.08 |
Last audit: 16.08.0
gwenview |
Done |
14.12 |
kamera |
Done |
15.12 |
kcolorchooser |
Done |
16.04 |
kdegraphics-mobipocket |
Done |
16.12 |
kdegraphics-thumbnailers |
packaged as thumbnailers |
15.12 |
kruler |
Done |
15.04 |
kolourpaint |
Done |
16.08 |
ksaneplugin |
dropped in 17.08
libkdcraw |
Done |
15.12 |
libkexiv2 |
Done |
15.12 |
libkface |
Done |
15.12 |
libkgeomap |
Done |
15.12 |
libkipi |
Done |
15.12 |
libksane |
Done |
15.12 |
okular |
Done |
16.12 |
spectacle |
Done |
15.12 |
svgpart |
Done |
16.12 |
Last audit: 16.08.0
baloo-widgets |
Done |
15.08 |
Last audit: 16.08.0
audiocd-kio |
Done |
16.12 |
dragon |
Done |
15.08 |
ffmpegthumbs |
Done |
15.12 |
juk |
Done |
17.12 |
kdemultimedia-meta |
Done |
kdenlive |
Done |
15.08 |
kmix |
Done |
15.08 |
kscd |
n/a |
frameworks branch |
live ebuild in kde overlay
libkcddb |
Done |
16.12 |
libkcompactdisc |
Done |
16.12 |
kaccounts-integration |
Done |
15.08 |
tests restricted bug #549444
kaccounts-providers |
Done |
15.08 |
kdenetwork-filesharing |
Done |
15.12 |
kget |
Done |
17.12 |
kio-extras |
Done |
15.08 |
kopete |
Done |
18.04 |
kppp |
dropped in 17.12
krdc |
Done |
16.04 |
krfb |
Done |
15.12 |
ktp-accounts-kcm |
Done |
15.08 |
ktp-approver |
Done |
15.08 |
ktp-auth-handler |
Done |
15.08 |
ktp-call-ui |
Done |
16.04 |
ktp-common-internals |
Done |
15.08 |
ktp-contact-list |
Done |
15.08 |
ktp-contact-runner |
Done |
15.08 |
ktp-desktop-applets |
Done |
15.08 |
ktp-filetransfer-handler |
Done |
15.08 |
ktp-kded-module |
Done |
15.08 |
ktp-send-file |
Done |
15.08 |
ktp-text-ui |
Done |
15.08 |
signon-kwallet-extension |
Done |
15.08 |
zeroconf-ioslave |
Done |
17.12 |
akonadi |
Done |
15.08 |
akonadi-calendar |
Done |
15.08 |
akonadi-search |
Done |
15.08 |
calendarsupport |
Done |
16.04 |
eventviews |
Done |
16.04 |
gpgmepp |
Done |
15.08 |
grantleetheme |
Done |
16.04 |
incidenceeditor |
Done |
16.04 |
kalarmcal |
Done |
15.08 |
kblog |
Done |
15.08 |
kcalcore |
Done |
15.08 |
kcalutils |
Done |
15.08 |
kcontacts |
Done |
15.08 |
kdepim-addons |
Done |
16.04 |
kdepim-apps-libs |
Done |
16.04 |
kdepim-runtime |
Done |
15.08 |
kdgantt2 |
Done |
16.04 |
kholidays |
Done |
15.08 |
kidentitymanagement |
Done |
15.08 |
kimap |
Done |
15.08 |
kldap |
Done |
15.08 |
kleopatra |
Done |
16.04 |
kmailtransport |
Done |
15.08 |
kmbox |
Done |
15.08 |
kmime |
Done |
15.08 |
kontactinterface |
Done |
15.08 |
kpimtextedit |
Done |
15.08 |
ktnef |
Done |
15.08 |
packaged as libktnef
libgravatar |
Done |
16.04 |
libkdepim |
Done |
16.04 |
libkleo |
Done |
16.04 |
libksieve |
Done |
16.04 |
mailcommon |
Done |
16.04 |
mailimporter |
Done |
16.04 |
messagelib |
Done |
16.04 |
pimcommon |
Done |
16.04 |
syndication |
Done |
15.08 |
cervisia |
Done |
16.08 |
dolphin-plugins |
Done |
15.08 |
split into -bazaar, -dropbox, -git, -mercurial, -subversion
kapptemplate |
Done |
14.12 |
kcachegrind |
Done |
17.04 |
kde-dev-scripts |
Done |
14.12 |
kde-dev-utils |
Done |
17.04 |
kdesdk-kioslaves |
Done |
17.04 |
kdesdk-thumbnailers |
Done |
15.12 |
kompare |
Done |
15.04 |
libkomparediff2 |
Done |
15.04 |
lokalize |
Done |
15.04 |
okteta |
Done |
14.12 |
poxml |
Done |
15.12 |
umbrello |
Done |
15.08 |
ark |
Done |
15.08 |
Investigate find_package calls for formats that are handled via libarchive
filelight |
Done |
15.04 |
kcalc |
Done |
15.04 |
kcharselect |
Done |
15.04 |
kdebugsettings |
Done |
15.08 |
kdf |
Done |
16.08 |
kfloppy |
Done |
16.04 |
kgpg |
Done |
16.12 |
kremotecontrol |
dropped in 17.12
kteatime |
Done |
15.04 |
ktimer |
Done |
15.04 |
kwalletmanager |
Done |
15.08 |
print-manager |
Done |
15.04 |
sweeper |
Done |
17.12 |
kfilereplace |
dropped in 17.12
kimagemapeditor |
Done |
17.12 |
moved to kdeutils
klinkstatus |
dropped in 17.12
kommander |
dropped in 17.12
kde-runtime |
Done |
Not required (Plasma 5) |
kdebase-runtime-meta |
Done |
Not required (Plasma 5) |
kde-l10n |
Done |
Obsolete |
Shipped per-application since 17.04
kde4-l10n |
Done |
N/A |
kde-applications |
Done |
16.04 |
kde-baseapps |
Done |
16.04 |
kdeaccessibility |
Done |
16.04 |
kdeadmin |
Done |
16.04 |
kdebase-runtime |
n/a |
16.04 |
16.04.3 last packaged Gentoo version
kdeedu |
Done |
16.04 |
kdegames |
Done |
16.04 |
kdegraphics |
Done |
16.04 |
kdemultimedia |
Done |
16.04 |
kdenetwork |
Done |
16.04 |
kdepim |
Done |
16.04 |
kdesdk |
Done |
16.04 |
kdeutils |
Done |
16.04 |
kdewebdev |
Done |
16.04 |
17.04.3 last packaged Gentoo version
- Follow up test failures with upstream
- New overlay wiki page for frameworks 5
- New overlay wiki page for plasma 5
- New kde wiki page for frameworks 5
- New kde wiki page for plasma 5
- Eclass: make tests optional as some upstream maintainers refuses to accept optional test patches
- Eclass: make handbook optional if some upstream maintainers refuses to accept optional test patches
- A lot of frameworks now require linguist-tools, review what to do when translations are shipped?
- Check handbook stuff.
- Urgent - patch kde4-meta.eclass to use KDE/4.x branch for kde-workspace 9999 ebuilds, as master will soon be KF5
- Tests are optional to build, but dependencies required for them are still pulled in. The add_subdirectory entry for autotests should just be commented out when tests are disabled. tests/ and examples/ should always be removed.
Create a new or update existing bump script for releases
- Review local coinstallability changes eg. many binaries are renamed upstream, but we still install everything into a custom directory
- Audit which packages have tests and add FRAMEWORKS_TEST="false" as appropriate
- Some frameworks with X USE flag now have runtime detection. Drop USE flag where appropriate, and look at porting the dep checks upstream away from deprecated HAVE_X11 (which unconditionally requires xproto and libX11) to the specific header
- doc USE flag is turned on by default by kde-frameworks eclass, but this is likely only required for actual frameworks.
- KF Keyword file generation
- Eclass: implement subslots
- Overlay wiki page refactoring
- kde wiki page refactoring
- Naming scheme - kde-workspace master will become KF5 soon, breaking all -9999 overlay ebuilds from that repo
- Parallel installation (kde-base/kdelibs and kde-frameworks/* naturally collide)
- Qt 5 in the tree
- New eclass approval
- New category approval
External links