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Mount options:
Option Description
defaults Use the default mount options: rw, suid, dev, exec, auto, nouser, async.
auto Mount the filesystem automatically on boot.
noauto Do not mount the filesystem automatically on boot.
ro Mount the filesystem read-only.
rw Mount the filesystem read-write.
sw Mount a swap partition.
atime Update inode access times on every read.
relatime Update inode access times only on writes to improve I/O performance.
noatime Never update inode access times for best I/O performance.
sync Sync drive after each write. Can shorten lifespan for e.g. some flash drives.
async Sync drive asynchronously.
discard The equivalent of trim support on Linux.
exec Allow execution of binaries.
noexec Do not allow execution of binaries.
suid Follow SUID and SGID bits.
nosuid Do not follow SUID and SGID bits.
user Allow a user to mount the filesystem. Implies nodev, noexec, and nosuid options unless explicitly setting dev, exec, or suid respectively.
users Allow every user to mount the filesystem.
nouser Allow only "root" to mount the filesystem.