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user $eclean --help
 eclean [global-option] ... <action> [action-option] ...
 eclean-dist [global-option, distfiles-option] ...
 eclean-pkg [global-option, packages-option] ...
 eclean(-dist,-pkg) [--help, --version]
Available global options:
 -C, --nocolor             - turn off colors on output
 -d, --deep                - only keep the minimum for a reinstallation
 -e, --exclude-file=<path> - path to the exclusion file
 -i, --interactive         - ask confirmation before deletions
 -n, --package-names       - protect all versions (when --deep)
 -p, --pretend             - only display what would be cleaned
 -q, --quiet               - be as quiet as possible
 -t, --time-limit=<time>   - don't delete files modified since <time>
   <time> is a duration: "1y" is "one year", "2w" is "two weeks", etc. 
   Units are: y (years), m (months), w (weeks), d (days) and h (hours).
 -h, --help                - display the help screen
 -V, --version             - display version info
Available actions:
 packages     - clean outdated binary packages from PKGDIR
 distfiles    - clean outdated packages sources files from DISTDIR
Available options for the packages action:
     --changed-deps               - delete packages for which ebuild dependencies have changed
 -i, --ignore-failure             - ignore failure to locate PKGDIR
Available options for the distfiles action:
 -f, --fetch-restricted   - protect fetch-restricted files (when --deep)
 -s, --size-limit=<size>  - don't delete distfiles bigger than <size>
   <size> is a size specification: "10M" is "ten megabytes", "200K" is
   "two hundreds kilobytes", etc.  Units are: G, M, K and B.
More detailed instruction can be found in `man eclean`