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nftables is the successor to iptables. It replaces the existing iptables, ip6tables, arptables, and ebtables framework. It uses the Linux kernel and a new userspace utility called nft. nftables provides a compatibility layer for the ip(6)tables and framework.


As with the iptables framework, nftables is build upon rules which specify actions. These rules are attached to chains. A chain can contain a collection of rules and is registered in the netfilter hooks. Chains are stored inside tables. A table is specific for one of the layer 3 protocols. One of the main differences with iptables is that there are no predefined tables and chains anymore.


A table is nothing more than a container for your chains. With nftables there are no predefined tables (filter, raw, mangle...) anymore. You are free to recreate an iptables-like structure, but anything might do.

Currently there are 5 different families of tables:

  • ip: Used for IPv4 related chains.
  • ip6: Used for IPv6 related chains.
  • arp: Used for ARP related chains.
  • bridge: Used for bridging related chains.
  • inet: Mixed ipv4/ipv6 chains (kernel 3.14 and up).

It is not hard to recognize the old tables framework in these tables. The only new one is the inet table which is used for both IPv4 and IPv6 traffic. It should make firewalling for dual-stack hosts easier by combining the rules for IPv4 and IPv6.


Chains are used to group together rules. As with the tables, nftables does not have any predefined chains. Chains are grouped in base and non-base types. Base chains are registered in one of the netfilter hooks, non-base chains are not. Thus, a base chain has a hook its registered with, a type, and a priority. In contrast, non-base chains are not attached to a hook and they don't see any traffic by default. They can be used to arrange a rule-set in a tree of chains.

There are currently three types of chains:

  • filter: for filtering packets.
  • route: for rerouting packets.
  • nat: for performing Network Address Translation. Only the first packet of a flow hits this chain, making it impossible to use it for filtering.

The hooks that can be used are:

  • prerouting: This is before the routing decision, all packets entering the machine hit this hook.
  • input: All packets for the local system hit this hook.
  • forward: Packets not for the local system, those that need to be forwarded hit this hook.
  • output: Packets that originate from the local system hit this hook.
  • postrouting: This hook comes after the routing decision has been made, all packets leaving the machine hit this hook.
The ARP address family only supports the input and output hook
The bridge address family only seems to supports the input, forward and output hook


Rules specify which action has to be taken for which packets. Rules are attached to chains. Each rule can have an expression to match packets and one or more actions to perform when matching. One main difference to iptables is that it is possible to specify multiple actions per rule. Another is that by default counters are off. A counter must be specified explicitly in each rule for which you want packet- and byte-counters.

Each rule has a unique handle number by which it can be distinguished.

The following matches are available:

  • ip: IP protocol.
  • ip6: IPv6 protocol.
  • tcp: TCP protocol.
  • udp: UDP protocol.
  • udplite: UDP-lite protocol.
  • sctp: SCTP protocol.
  • dccp: DCCP protocol.
  • ah: Authentication headers.
  • esp: Encrypted security payload headers.
  • ipcomp: IPcomp headers.
  • icmp: icmp protocol.
  • icmpv6: icmpv6 protocol.
  • ct: Connection tracking.
  • meta: meta properties such as interfaces.


Match Arguments Description/Example
ip version Ip Header version
hdrlength IP header length
tos Type of Service
length Total packet length
id IP ID
frag-off Fragmentation offset
ttl Time to live
protocol Upper layer protocol
checksum IP header checksum
saddr Source address
daddr Destination address
ip6 version IP header version
flowlabel Flow label
length Payload length
nexthdr Next header type (Upper layer protocol number)
hoplimit Hop limit
saddr Source Address
daddr Destination Address
tcp sport Source port
dport Destination port
sequence Sequence number
ackseq Acknowledgement number
doff Data offset
flags TCP flags
window Window
checksum Checksum
urgptr Urgent pointer
udp sport Source port
dport destination port
length Total packet length
checksum Checksum
udplite sport Source port
dport destination port
cscov Checksum coverage
checksum Checksum
sctp sport Source port
dport destination port
vtag Verification tag
checksum Checksum
dccp sport Source port
dport destination port
ah nexthdr Next header protocol (Upper layer protocol)
hdrlength AH header length
spi Security Parameter Index
sequence Sequence Number
esp spi Security Parameter Index
sequence Sequence Number
ipcomp nexthdr Next header protocol (Upper layer protocol)
flags Flags
cfi Compression Parameter Index
icmp type icmp packet type
icmpv6 type icmpv6 packet type
ct state State of the connection
direction Direction of the packet relative to the connection
status Status of the connection
mark Connection mark
expiration Connection expiration time
helper Helper associated with the connection
l3proto Layer 3 protocol of the connection
saddr Source address of the connection for the given direction
daddr Destination address of the connection for the given direction
protocol Layer 4 protocol of the connection for the given direction
proto-src Layer 4 protocol source for the given direction
proto-dst Layer 4 protocol destination for the given direction
meta length Length of the packet in bytes: meta length > 1000
protocol ethertype protocol: meta protocol vlan
priority TC packet priority
mark Packet mark
iif Input interface index
iifname Input interface name
iiftype Input interface type
oif Output interface index
oifname Output interface name
oiftype Output interface hardware type
skuid UID associated with originating socket
skgid GID associated with originating socket
rtclassid Routing realm


Statements represent the action to be performed when the rule matches. They exist in two kinds: Terminal statements, unconditionally terminate the evaluation of the current rules and non-terminal statements that either conditionally or never terminate the current rules. There can be an arbitrary amount of non-terminal statements, but there must be only a single terminal statement. The terminal statements can be:

  • accept: Accept the packet and stop the ruleset evaluation.
  • drop: Drop the packet and stop the ruleset evaluation.
  • reject: Reject the packet with an icmp message.
  • queue: Queue the packet to userspace and stop the ruleset evaluation.
  • continue:
  • return: Return from the current chain and continue at the next rule of the last chain. In a base chain it is equivalent to accept.
  • jump <chain>: Continue at the first rule of <chain>. It will continue at the next rule after a return statement is issued.
  • goto <chain>: Similar to jump, but after the new chain the evaluation will continue at the last chain instead of the one containing the goto statement.


nftables allows defining anonymous and named sets (dictionaries and maps). For example, the following nft script defines the fullbogons set, adds elements to it and drops packages from the IPs connforming the set.

FILE rules.nft
add set filter fullbogons { type ipv4_addr; flags interval; }
add element filter fullbogons {}
add element filter fullbogons {}
add element filter fullbogons {}
add element filter fullbogons {}
add rule filter input iifname eth0 ct state new ip saddr @fullbogons counter drop comment "drop from blacklist"



Nftables is very modular, so the bare minimum would depend on your intended purposes. A recommended minimum for basic IPv4 firewalling with NAT would be:

KERNEL Nftables kernel requirements
[*] Networking support  --->
    Networking options  --->
        [*] Network packet filtering framework (Netfilter)  --->
            Core Netfilter Configuration  --->
                <M> Netfilter nf_tables support
                <M>   Netfilter nf_tables conntrack module
                <M>   Netfilter nf_tables counter module
                <M>   Netfilter nf_tables log module
                <M>   Netfilter nf_tables limit module
                <M>   Netfilter nf_tables masquerade support
                <M>   Netfilter nf_tables nat module
            IP: Netfilter Configuration  --->
                <M> IPv4 nf_tables support
                <M>   IPv4 nf_tables route chain support
                <M> IPv4 packet rejection
                <M> IPv4 NAT
                <M>   IPv4 nf_tables nat chain support
                <M>   IPv4 masquerade support
                <M>   IPv4 masquerading support for nf_tables
Please note: nftables masquerade will not work if iptables masquerade is in the kernel, so be sure to unload or disable it.


Install net-firewall/nftables:

root #emerge --ask net-firewall/nftables



The init script supports the following actions:

  • /etc/init.d/nftables save stores the currently loaded ruleset in /var/lib/nftables/rules-save
  • /etc/init.d/nftables reload loads the currently loaded ruleset in /var/lib/nftables/rules-save
  • /etc/init.d/nftables stop is intended to be called on system shutdown, verifies if SAVE_ON_STOP is enabled in /etc/conf.d/nftables and saves the ruleset
  • /etc/init.d/nftables start is intended to be called on system boot and loads the last saved ruleset
  • /etc/init.d/nftables clear flushes the currently loaded ruleset
  • /etc/init.d/nftables list lists the currently loaded ruleset

Don't forget to add nftables service to startup:

root #rc-update add nftables default
It is suggested to invoke /etc/init.d/nftables save manually after altering the ruleset. Otherwise, if there is an issue during system shutdown and saving the ruleset fails, the system might boot up with an older ruleset.


After first setup:

root #touch /var/lib/nftables/rules-save
root #systemctl start nftables-restore


All nftable commands are done with the nft ultility from net-firewall/nftables.


Creating tables

The following command adds a table called filter for the ip(v4) layer:

root #nft add table ip filter

Likewise a table for arp can be created with

root #nft add table arp filter
The name "filter" used here is completly arbitrary. It could have any name

Listing tables

The following command lists all tables for the ip(v4) layer:

root #nft list tables ip

table filter

The contents of the table filter can be listed with:

root #nft list table ip filter
table ip filter {
        chain input {
                 type filter hook input priority 0;
                 ct state established,related accept
                 iifname "lo" accept
                 ip protocol icmp accept

using -a with the nft command, it shows the handle of each rule. Handles are used for various operations on specific rules:

root #nft -a list table ip filter
table ip filter {
        chain input {
                 type filter hook input priority 0;
                 ct state established,related accept # handle 2
                 iifname "lo" accept # handle 3
                 ip protocol icmp accept # handle 4
                 drop # handle 5

Deleting tables

The following command deletes the table called filter for the ip(v4) layer:

root #nft delete table ip filter


Adding chains

The following command adds a chain called input to the ip filter table and registered to the input hook with priority 0. It is of the type filter.

root #nft add chain ip filter input { type filter hook input priority 0 \; }
If You're running this command from Bash you need to escape the semicolon

A non-base chain can be added by not specifying the chain configurations between the curly braces.

Removing chains

The following command deletes the chain called input

root #nft delete chain ip filter input
Chains can only be deleted if there are no rules in them.


Adding rules

The following command adds a rule to the chain called input, on the ip filter table, dropping all incoming traffic to port 80:

root #nft add rule ip filter input tcp dport 80 drop

Deleting rules

To delete a rule, you first need to get the handle number of the rule. This can be done by using the -a flag on nft:

root #nft rule ip filter input tcp dport 80 drop
table ip filter {
        chain input {
                 type filter hook input priority 0;
                 tcp dport http drop # handle 2

It is then possible to delete the rule with:

root #nft delete rule ip filter input handle 2


Atomic rule loading

nft supports atomic rule replacement by using nft -f. Thus it is possible to conveniently manage the rules in a text file. It is supported to add comments to the file by prefixing them with #.

Compared to building a ruleset with multiple nft calls in a shell script, this also ensures that failures in such a script do not end with an only partially applied ruleset.

FILE /etc/nftables-localskeleton nftables config file
#! /sbin/nft -f

# this is a skeleton file for an nftables ruleset
# load it with nft -f /etc/nftables-local

# it is supported to define variables here, that can later on be
# expanded in rule definitions
define http_ports = {80, 443} 

flush ruleset

table inet local {

  chain input {
    type filter hook input priority 0; policy drop;
    tcp dport $http_ports counter accept;
  chain output {
    type filter hook output priority 0; policy drop;



You can also backup your rules:

root #echo "flush ruleset" > backup.nft
root #nft list ruleset >> backup.nft
If you are loading your ruleset with nft -f from a file, do not overwrite this file with the nft list ruleset output. This overwrites comments and variable definitions.


See the Nftables examples article.

See also

  • Iptables — a program used to configure and manage the kernel's netfilter modules.

External Resources